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让爱做你前行的路标。Let love be your guidepost.

路标上写了什么?What is written on that guidepost?

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一个伸出食指的手形路标。A guidepost resembling a hand with a pointing index finger.

我们有一个巨大的向导而且我们不打算违背它。We have a huge guidepost there and we're not going to violate that.

一直以来,增长俨然成为了经济存在的必需、指示牌甚至至上的追求。Growth has become guidepost and grail, the sine qua non of economic existence.

我认为,忠诚这一必需的原则也意味着对我们内在自我的忠诚。And to me, this guidepost of loyalty of necessity means loyalty to one's own self.

这句话听着简单,却成为我做人的准则和基石。That phrase sounds simple, but it's been a guidepost for me and the foundation of who I am.

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曾经的东西即使它很老,但那被肯定的光芒也定会照亮你前进中的路标。Once thing even if it were very old, but that also surely can illuminate by the affirmation ray you to go forward the guidepost.

各层面角色期望各有五项到九项,计有八十八项,本研究可作为教师惕励奋勉的专业成长指标。Hopefully, these findings could render as a guidepost leading the professional growth for the part of teachers in an information society.

但是,一个路标就像受伤的拇指一样站出来宣布,“要具备科学性,一个经济学理论就必须经过实验证明”。However, the one guidepost that stuck out like a sore thumb announced, "To be scientific, an economic theory must make testable predictions.

司机大雾天晚上迷了路,隐隐约约看见路边有一个路标,就把车停下来看。The driver gets lost in the dense fog in the evening , sees that the roadside has a guidepost indistinctly, he stops down the vehicle dimly.

本文明确提出可持续的科学发展观应该成为中国社会主义建设的绿色路标。This article explicitly proposes may continue science development view should become the Chinese socialist construction the green guidepost.

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通过对户外路牌运用的分析,指出如何充分利用身边的各种媒介,是设计者所需要关心和挖掘的。The redesign of outdoor guidepost was analyzed. It was put forward that designer should endeavoring in the full application of nearby medias.

面向业务的这种由外向内的视角可以成为普及SOA采用和转变小型企业使用计算机技术的路标。This outside-in view of business-oriented service could become the guidepost for pervasive SOA adoption and transform how small businesses use computer technology.