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似乎在写字间里,还隐藏着一个房间。It would seem that there's a hidden room in the scriptorium.

他把它带回他在缮写室的书桌并开始阅读。He took it back to his desk in the scriptorium and began to read it.

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用赌场图板和魔法书屋图板的走廊与仪式大厅图板相连接。Use the corridors to link the Gambling Den and the Scriptorium to the Ritual Chamber.

一个玩家角色进入魔法书屋可以花1行动点来阅读这些满是尘土的旧书。A character that enters the Scriptorium can spend 1 Action Point to read the dusty old books.

图书管理员,菲尔波特,在写字间被发现,但我将他放在礼拜堂准备安葬。The librarian, Philibert, was found in the scriptorium , but I had him carried to the Chapel to prepare him for burial.

一把沾满了同我在写字间采集的锯屑相同的锯屑的锯子。所以是教士破坏了那个压住菲利布特的书架的。A saw encrusted with the same sawdust that I picked up in the scriptorium . So the scribe sabotaged the shelf that fell on Philibert.

山西方圆实业集团有限公司主要经营建筑装饰材料、钢材、水泥及商贸市场、写字间、大酒店等多种业务。Shanxi area Kong Holdings Ltd. operates mainly in building and furnishing materials, steel, cement and commerce market, portal Scriptorium.

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回到早期书籍时代,14世纪写字间里的书本是很难定位查找的,因为它们缺乏目录编制、没有索引或是目录。It harks back to the days of early writing when texts in a 14th-century scriptorium were difficult to locate since they lacked cataloguing, indexes, or tables of contents.

香洲大饭店完全按照五星级标准设计、建筑、装修,是集客房、餐饮、康乐、写字间、公寓为一体的综合性豪华商务、旅游饭店。Xiangzhou Hotel is entirely designed, constructed, decorated in 5 stars standard. It is the luxury business and tour hotel with the guest room, food, well-being, scriptorium and flat.

公司在高楼林立的中心区,站在我办公的位置,放眼眺望13层楼高的其他楼宇,不时的可以看到写字间里穿梭着女孩子的娇美的身影。Tall buildings in the central area, to my office location, overlooking the 13-story look at other buildings can be seen from time to time in the shuttle Scriptorium figure charming girls.