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种子有红色肉质假种皮。Seeds enveloped by red succulent aril.

多年生肉质草本植物,形成垫状。Succulent perennial herb, forming mats.

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这样吃东西才会更香!It makes succulent things more succulent!

有绵长的果味作为余味。The long and succulent finish lingers on the fruit.

鳄鱼肉是出了名的嫩。Alligators are known to have the most succulent meat.

虾与蔗糖一起烹制后甜美多汁。Cooked with sugarcane, these shrimp are sweet and succulent.

有很多种类的盐土植物具有肥厚的茎叶,属于肉质植物。Many have a succulent growth form with swollen stems or leaves.

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生煎馒头里面再用清真牛肉做芯子,格外得可口多汁。Filled with succulent halal beef, they are outrageously delicious.

椰汁清爽美味,新鲜的椰肉柔软多汁。The milk was cool and delicious, and the flesh soft and succulent.

最后当肉质多汁、表皮既薄又酥脆的时候才算是大功告成。The result is a thin layer of crispy skin on juicy, succulent meat.

华亭肉牛肉质细嫩,营养丰富,皮质细腻弹性好。Huating succulent beef tender, nutrient-rich, delicate elastic cortex.

烹饪鲜美滑嫩的鸡肉时多加些大蒜,并滴入少许雪利酒。Cook pieces of succulent chicken with ample garlic and a little sherry.

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在许多超市里,您可以看到色美味甜的莲雾。In most supermarkets, you can find the beautiful and succulent wax apple.

这些植物脆弱、多汁、无刺,开着极其与众不同的花。These delicate, succulent and stingless plants have very unusual flowers.

食客品尝到鲜嫩多汁的樱桃西红柿里面填满了坚果的芝麻酱。Diners can enjoy succulent cherry tomatoes filled with a nutty sesame sauce.

或许你喜欢食西瓜和蜜瓜,因其香甜多汁口味一流。You've enjoyed watermelon and honeydew melon for their sweet, succulent tastes.

这是美国亚利桑那专门从事仙人掌与肉质植物研究的中心。This is a research center dedicated to study on cactus and succulent in Arizona.

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赣南脐橙果大皮薄,肉质脆嫩,橙红鲜艳,富有香味。Gannan navel orange fruit large thin, succulent crisp, bright orange-red, rich flavor.

然而,我就是无法抛弃这些我在教学生涯第一年种植的肉质植物。Yet, I just couldn't give up the succulent I kept alive during my first year of teaching.

这是为了让肉汁渗回肉里,让肉吃起来多汁。This is to allow the juices to seep back into the meat and make it that bit more succulent.