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高压对小麦中的叶绿素含量没有明显影响。High pressure does not have obvious effect to the chlorophyl content.

本文介绍了叶绿素、硫化物在油脂中的存在情况。This article introduces the existing situation of chlorophyl and sulphide in oi!

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将叶绿素及其与悬浮质的比值的平均数作为对生物量的衡量指标。The averages of chlorophyl and its ratio with SS were used as the measure indices of biomass.

评价指标为植物叶绿素、光合作用能力和呼吸作用能力。The assessing indexes are chlorophyl , photosynthetic capacity and respiratory capacity of plants.

用细胞分裂素喷施受湿害的植物,可抑制植株叶片的叶绿素含量下降,延缓衰老。Spraying cytokinin on waterlogged plants may stop the decrease of chlorophyl content and delay senescence.

这种叶绿体像植物那样利用叶绿素将阳光转化为能量,无需吃食物就能获得能量。The chloroplasts use the chlorophyl to convert sunlight into energy, just as plants do, eliminating the need to eat food to gain energy.

论述从竹叶提取绿色素的工艺以及竹制品漂白的原理、绿色漂白工艺条件的研究。This artical studied the technology of extracting chlorophyl from bamboo products as well as the principle of bleaching bamboo articles.

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用远缘杂交后代为材料,测定了不同叶型不同时期的叶绿素含量、光合强度。Determining different leaves kinds chlorophyl content and photosynthetic intensity in different stage by using distant crossing posterity as material.

对生根壮苗剂浸种后的玉米、棉花、花生的出苗状况、幼苗植株性状及叶绿素含量进行了调查。The seedling status, the seedling characters and chlorophyl content of maize, cotton and groundnut after seed soaking with root and seedling promoter were investigated.

矮生菜豆的上、下部分叶片的叶绿素含量有显著的差异性,下部叶片的叶绿素含量显著多于上部叶片的叶绿素的含量。The difference of the content of chlorophyl in the upper and lower leaves of the host plant is significant, and the content of chlorophyl in the upper leaves is less than the lower.

以慈竹为材料,研究不同浓度和配比的GA3和IAA对综纤维和叶绿素含量动态积累的调控效应,为纸浆用竹的遗传改良研究提供理论依据。The effects of GA3 and IAA with different concentrations and combinations on the dynamic accumulation of holocellulose and chlorophyl content in Neosinocalamus affinis were studied.

叶绿素含量总体都是随灌溉量的增加而增大的,过高的灌溉量甚至会引起叶绿素含量的下降。With the increasing of irrigation , chlorophyl 1 content of three turfgrasswould go up , but to some degree, over-irrigation would also result in the decline of chlorophyll content.

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尤其是天然绿藻富含叶绿素,是不错的碱性健康食品,而茶类不宜过量,最佳饮用时间为早上。Especially natural green algae which contain rich quantity of chlorophyl are very good alkaline health food, but avoid drinking tea in excess, and it's best to drink in the mornings.