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你想拥有一只罗威吗?So you want to own a Rottweiler?

吉娃娃怎么可能会要了罗特韦尔的命?How could a Chihuahua kill a Rottweiler?

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你考虑民间传说的罗特韦尔犬?Do you take into account Rottweiler folklore?

你的小鬼怎么能杀了我的罗特韦尔犬?。How could your little runt kill my Rottweiler?

你能不能在这里展示一下你的罗威娜照片?Do you here rottweiler , can you show the Photos ?

我的罗特韦尔牧犬莱斯利有同性恋的倾向。My Rottweiler Les is of the homosexual orientation.

你能不能在这里展示一下你的罗威娜照片?Do you here rottweiler , can you show the Photos ?Thanks !

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这件外套的罗威纳是相对容易的维护。The coat of the Rottweiler is relatively easy to maintain.

罗威那被认为史最古老的犬种之一。The Rottweiler is considered to be one of the oldest dog breeds.

你是否担心你的反应可能会伤害了这条狗的感情?Do you worry that your reaction may hurt the feelings of the Rottweiler?

美国罗威那俱乐部在1971年成立,1981年他们在第一个专业比赛被认可。The American Rottweiler Club was organized in 1971 and was approved for its first Specialty Show in 1981.

谢谢你对罗威的兴趣。我们希望这些能帮助你对于这个伟大的品种做一个恰当的决定。Thank you for your interest in the Rottweiler . We hope this helps you make a more informed decision about this great breed.

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另一方面,一些知名的沙发土豆包括犬斗牛犬,巴吉度猎犬,松狮犬,罗威和圣伯纳德。On the other hand, some well-known canine couch potatoes include the Bulldog, Basset Hound, Chow Chow, Rottweiler and Saint Bernard.

罗特韦尔狗是头等的警犬,重达150磅,这只正好名叫耶稣,正在某个角落盯着那个小偷。Rottweiler is a first-rate guard dog. And this one's name was Jesus. And he was watching the thief from somewhere. He weighed about 150 pounds.

一名八岁女童在屯门家中,被饲养的一头「洛威拿」狗咬伤,女童面部及手脚受伤,被送往医院。An eight year-old girl was hospitalized after being savaged by her pet rottweiler at her Tuen Mun home. She suffered facial, arm and leg injuries.

洛威纳在比赛场中的行为举止应该受到约束,乐于接受检查并能适应,能容忍裁判检查他的口腔、睾丸等。The behavior of the Rottweiler in the show ring should be controlled, willing and adaptable, trained to submit to examination of mouth, testicles, etc.

罗威是一种与生俱来就渴望保护家园和家人的强大的狗。罗威这种强烈愿望的工作使他成为特别好的同伴。The Rottweiler is a powerful dog with an inherent desire to protect home and family. The Rottweiler 's strong will to work make it an especially good companion dog.

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使罗威成为一个忠心和极好的伙伴需要时间和训练。罗威是一种很平静,很自信,有胆量的狗。The Rottweiler makes a loyal and wonderful companion, but requires time and training. The Rottweiler is a basically calm, confident, and courageous dog with a self-assured aloofness.

达尔文的当代追随者道金斯先生可谓青出于蓝,他坚定地捍卫进化论,以及在他看来作为进化论必然结果的无神论。Mr Dawkins, his modern champion, has been dubbed his rottweiler , a reflection of his uncompromising defence of both evolutionary theory and the atheism he thinks is a necessary consequence of it.