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能够促进毛细血管及新生小动脉形成。SM promoted blood capillary, arteriole and venule form.

微循环是指微动脉和微静脉之间的血液循环。Microcirculation is the blood circulation between arteriole and veinule.

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而缺氧性肺血管收缩及小动脉机化是其主要病理变化。The main pathological changes of PAH are vasoconstriction and arteriole organization afterward.

极垫细胞区的微血管与肾小球的微血管直接延续。The afferent arteriole was often traveled in the central part of the area of the polar cushion cell.

两组间肾小管、肾间质及肾血管积分差异无统计学意义。There were no differences of tubulointerstitial lesions and arteriole hypertrophy between two groups.

软骨下区小动脉结构破坏,静脉及毛细血管扩张、淤血。The wall of arteriole was destroyed, veins and capillary were dilation and congestion in subcricoid region.

果然没错,为厘清微动脉机能障碍源头所付出的心血,造就了我们六年前的意外发现。Indeed, efforts to tease out the source of arteriole malfunction led us to our unexpected discovery six years ago.

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实验证明,当小动脉发生持续性收缩时,骨胳肌发生痉挛跳动,肢体麻木等现象。Experiments have proved that when the arteriole produce durative contraction, skeletal muscle cramps occur, numbness, etc.

计算还表明了微动脉“阻力血管”的性质和微血管网络在热量交换过程中的高效性。The property of arteriole as a "resistant vessel" and the efficiency of microvascular network as heat exchanger are also shown.

同时,NO可作为一种抑制性神经递质参与肾入球小动脉活动的调节。At the same time NO is known to function as an inhibitory neurotransmitter regulating the activity of renal afferent arteriole in rats.

肾实质变薄的程度表明肾小动脉硬化,残存肾单位总数下降。The degree of the renal parenchyma thickness becoming thin showed renal arteriole sclerosis and the decreased number of remnant nephron.

肾脏增生性细动脉硬化合并高血压,如图发生纤维素样坏死。One complication of hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis with malignant hypertension is fibrinoid necrosis, as seen here in a renal arteriole.

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在这些患者体内所有细动脉的数量减少并且随之出现循环以及和小动脉相连的毛细血管的减少。There is a reduction in the overall arteriole number and subsequent reduction in circulation and capillaries that go with the arterioles.

恶性高血压引起的动脉壁增厚发生增生性小动脉炎,小动脉呈洋葱皮样表现。Thickening of the arterial wall with malignant hypertension also produces a hyperplastic arteriolitis. The arteriole has an "onion skin" appearance.

所有的血管对血液流动都会产生阻力,而研究发现,血液循环中阻力最主要来源于小动脉、微动脉。All will have on the blood flow resistance, while the study found that blood circulation in the main resistance comes from a small artery, arteriole.

分析指端光电容积脉搏波峰形动态变化有助于评估人体小动脉和微动脉血管紧张性和弹性,监测微循环血流灌注变化。The main peak form can be used to evaluate vascular tone and elasticity of the small arteries and arteriole , and to monitor the microcirculation blood flow.

作者假设血液为符合幂定律的非牛顿流体,对小动脉血管系统进行了详细的优化分析。Assumed the blood in arterioles is a non-Newtonian fluid governed by the power law, a detailed optimization analysis for arteriole blood vessels was conducted.

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绒毛微动脉在顶部与绒毛微静脉有交通支,形成毛细血管前动静脉吻合。There were connecting vessels between the villi arteriole and the villi venule at the tip of the villi, and they form a precapillary arteriovenous anastomosis.

正常脾的组织学外观,可见小淋巴细胞围绕在中央的脾小动脉周围,形成白髓。This is the normal histologic appearance of the spleen. Note the small lymphocytes centered around the splenic arteriole at the center, forming the white pulp.

微循环的血流量与微动脉和微静脉之间的血压差成正比,与微循环中血流总阻力成反比。The blood volume of microcirculation is in direct proportion to the dp of arteriole and veinule, and in inverse proportion to the whole resistance of microcirculation.