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他们不过是跟我们开个非常诙谐的玩笑罢了。They have just been pulling our legs very wittily.

他们讲得都很好,不过我对老布什总统的讲话的印象尤其深刻,我觉得其言语诙谐。They were all good, but Bush was especially effective, and wittily generous to me.

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这篇故事机智地探讨了现实和想象之间的联系和对立。The tale wittily explores the interaction and tension between reality and imagination.

然后他站起身来对于一个聪明风趣的祝酒辞作出了聪明风趣的回答。He asked himself plaintively, then arose to respond cleverly and wittily to a clever and witty toast.

天终于完全暗了,天空里星星俏皮地眨着明亮的眼睛,农家的灯光也次第亮了起来。It got dark at last. Stars in the sky is blinking their bright eyes wittily. The house of farmers began to light up.

不过,杰伦巧妙地将与妈妈的许多合照放在MV中,使妈妈成为独一无二的女主角。However, Jay wittily placed photos of his mom all over the MV, in a way, letting his mom star as the MVs female lead.

他是一个天生的健谈者,相貌英俊、体格健壮、求知好学、经济成功,并且风趣地自我嘲弄。He is a natural raconteur, good-looking, athletic, intellectually curious, financially successful, and wittily self-deprecating.

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甚至连卡梅隆先生本人,上周在发行这本书时也无法流利的表达他的“出于改良目的的保守党主张”。Even Mr Cameron, speaking wittily at the book's launch last week, could not make his "Conservative means for progressive ends" line sound snappy.

对品质的保证和对细节的把握是他们的擅长,他们的作品庄重典雅,俏皮却不失大家风范。It is their speciality to the assurance of character and the assurance to detail, their work is grave and elegant, do not lose authority however wittily wind model.

他不仅作为一个有良知的作家,而且作为一个深谙中国政治文化环境的作家,作为一个集传统儒道文化于一体的大成者,机智地活跃在当代文化发生深层裂变的缝隙中。He acts wittily in the fissile gap of contemporary culture, not only as a conscientious writer, but also as a writer who knows well Confucianism and Chinese politics.

但是,南宗的灵动与北宗严峻的山形巧妙结合,在绘画史上是少有,更何况,两者是由一只西洋画笔调和的。However, the spirit of the south and solemnity of the northern topology are wittily integrated, which is rather rare. Moreover, the two adopted western painting techniques.