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拒水?Water- repellent?

这是经常被用来作为一种驱蚊剂。It is often used as an insect repellent.

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把那个人想象成一个令你反感的人。Picture the person in a repellent fashion.

我必须全身都喷上驱虫剂。I had to put insect repellent all over my body.

你朋友建议使用一种驱虫剂。The friend suggests a certain insect repellent.

草药护甲是避蚊胺,驱蚊的作品免费!Herbal Armor is a Deet-free repellent that works!

他们所寻寻觅觅的就是驱虫剂。What they have been looking for is mosquito repellent.

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你需要可以击退鳖鱼的有效的资金管理。You need the shark repellent of good money management.

“超级电子驱蚊器”可以使你免受蚊叮虫咬。Super Mosquito Repellent can help prevent from insect bites.

这里不需要从老师那里拿到通行证才能离开教室,不过带上驱虫剂倒是个好主意。Hall passes aren't required, but bug repellent is a good idea.

氯菊酯是一种高效的杀虫剂,并作为驱蚊。Permethrin is highly effective as an insecticide and as a repellent.

粉末,纤维,珍珠岩,膨胀的蛭石。Water repellent for powers, fibres, perlite and expanded vermiculite.

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本发明涉及一种家用纺织品的抗油整理剂。The invention relates to an oil repellent finish of a domestic textile.

仅针对防水、防油、防污整理或涂层的产品。For materials with water, oil and soil repellent finishing or coating only.

具防泼水效果,耐磨不易毡毛,清洗容易。With water repellent styles effect, wear difficult felt Mao, cleaning easy.

锌是一种天然物,具有抗晒功能,能保护皮肤及口唇免受酌伤。Zinc is a natural insect repellent and sun screen. Protecting lips and skin.

衣服的表面需特殊处理具有防油防水功能。The surface of the clothes should also be treated as oil and water repellent.

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如果驱蚊应用于服装,洗涤衣物治疗,然后再穿上。If repellent is applied to clothing, wash treated clothing before wearing again.

防风防水短风衣,采用压条拼缝,可折叠风雪帽以及两只侧袋。Water repellent windbreaker with taped seams, fold-in hood ant two inside pockets.

驱蚊剂。用于驱蛔虫,蛲虫,绦虫,鞭虫,钩虫等。Insect repellent. Used to drive roundworm, pinworm, tapeworm, whipworm, hookworm, etc.