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爱情,是一个极其苛刻的高利贷者。Love is an extremely exacting usurer.

这是很严格的工作,而且又是在急诊室,生命攸关。It is exacting work, and, since this is an emergency room, lives can be at stake.

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大侠摇头,那边的咔咔咋都那么苛碜呢。Art shook his head, the side of the quake Why do all this reform and then exacting.

众多的工业用途之一是电池隔膜。One of the most exacting industrial applications is nonwoven for battery technology.

她已经堕入情网,而他只是暗算着败坏她,严格地说是报复。She had been falling in love while he was only plotting her downfall, exacting revenge.

口供补强规则的价值在于确保口供的真实性以及防止刑讯逼供。The value of this rule is to insure the truth and prevent exacting a confession by torture.

教授决定谨慎而又非常精确地表达自己的看法。The professor chose to express himself delicately and with great . A. exacting B. exactly C.

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在成为藏书的一个系列以前,即使是一个单本也必须符合明确的标准。Even a single text must meet exacting standards before making it into a library’s collection.

管理不善的一个重要原因是只授予职权而不给明确责任。A significant cause of mismanagement is the granting of authority without exacting responsibility.

高柔韧线缆是卡尔蒙特专门为商业及军用市场开创开发。SuperFlex was pioneered and developed by Calmont for the exacting commercial and military markets.

舞台设计必须严丝合缝,马虎不得。所以各种精密绘图仪器都得派上用场。All sorts of instruments and tools are put to use in the demanding and exacting work of stage design.

用精密数控车床切割这种面板,能把偏差精确控制在万分之四英寸。A precision CNC lathe is used to cut the panels to an exacting tolerance of four ten-thousands of an inch.

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通常情况下,两个完美主义者相遇是不会有什么好结局的,但是伊夫可以搞定难以取悦的乔布斯。It's not always a good thing when one perfectionist meets another, but Ive can out-obsess the exacting Jobs.

但高难度的课程、激烈的竞争和“与世隔绝”式的校园生活严重影响了这些学生的身心健康。But their exacting curriculum, tough competition and reclusive campus lifestyle have taken a toll on students.

和乔布斯一样,库克也是个要求严格的管理者和处处苛求的老板,一个执着于最微小细节的完美主义者。Like Jobs, Cook is a relentless executive and exacting boss, a perfectionist who obsesses over minute details.

水瓶女不会特别苛求爱人是顶天立地的无泪男子汉!Water bottle daughter won't be particularly exacting the sweetheart is the heroic man that do not have a tear!

一些评论者辩论说转基因食物的检测要求应该比这种还要严格。Some commentators have argued that the testing requirements for GM foods should be even more exacting than this.

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由法德控制的飞机制造商——空中客车公司的英国供应商必须遵守现行的标准。The British suppliers to Airbus, the Franco-German aircraft manufacturer, have to comply with exacting standards.

设计者详尽地分析过击弦机的每个具体细节以符合熟练钢琴演奏家的挑剔需求。Every exacting detail of the action was exhaustively analysed to meet the stringent demands of the skilled pianist.

全手工采摘的高质量葡萄全部出自酒庄自有葡萄园。This wine is made from the highest quality hand-picked grapes grown to our exacting standards from local vineyards.