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并且,避免拱起上脊柱。Also, avoid arching your upper spine.

维持几秒并慢慢恢复起始位置,避免弓背。Hold and slowly return. Avoid arching your back.

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土拱效应是挡土桩工作原理的基础。Soil arching effect is the basis for retaining piles.

拱状划过天空的则是银河系的中央地带。Arching across the sky is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy.

她开始发出“嗯嗯”的声音,身体使劲往上拱。She began to moan and tried to pull out herself by arching her body.

那匹在左首拉边套的马低垂着头,时而轻轻拉一下挽索。The left trace-horse, arching his head, pulled in jerks at his traces.

瞪羚和黑斑羚毫不费力地在草原上作弧线跳跃。Gazelles and impalas bound effortlessly across the plains in great arching leaps.

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接著我们看到的是环尾狐猴,牠黑白相间的长尾巴在头上高高地拱起。Next we see a ring- tailed lemur, its long black-and-white tail arching far overhead.

如果你站在海边,想象一下那些星环从头顶上划过的美丽!Imagine the beauty of those rings arching overhead ifyou were standing on the ocean shore!

阿薄循环显示是上面看到活跃的地区,太阳对2001年1月1日拱。A display of thin loops is seen arching above active regions of the Sun on January 1, 2001.

这种电子恐龙利用28个马达和关节自然的运动,例如当你抚摸它的时候,它就会拱起身体。Pleo moves naturally using 28 motors and joints, for example, arching its back when stroked.

这种电子恐龙利用28个马达和关节当然的运动,例如当你抚摸它的时候,它就会拱起身体。Pleo moves naturally using 28 motors and joints, for example, arching its back when stroked.

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她退后一步,朝着镜子做鬼脸,唆进腮帮子,把眉毛拱起来。She stepped back and made a face in the mirror, sucking in her cheeks and arching her eyebrows.

一个炎热的下午,被遮天蔽日的大树覆盖着的沙伯尔街吸引着年轻的警官埃文·马海尼。It was the trees arching over Sabal Lane that called to young officer Evan Mahoney one afternoon.

这个会议让我沉浸在横跨了今年的主旋律中,一个巨大的、可以随身携带的东西,一些我们都需要去做的事情。As the conference wound down I found there was one over arching theme this year.One big take-away.

本文对连拱沟窖的热功能进行了全面系统的研究。The thermal performance of the orange cellar with twin arching trenches is sYstematicallY studied.

这个会议让我沉浸在横跨了今年的主旋律中,一个巨大的、可以随身携带的东西,一些我们都需要去做的事情。As the conference wound down I found there was one over arching theme this year. One big take-away.

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弯弯的杨柳的稀疏的倩影,象是画在荷叶上。The beautiful sparse shadows of the arching willows were like a picture etched on the lotus leaves.

真正疯狂的是,你可以进入模拟环境,骑上发疯似地划着弧线飞向目标的导弹。The truly demented can enter the simulation sitting astride a missile madly arching toward its target.

结构由几个钢筋混凝土波浪状拱构成,支撑起一条四车道的公路。The structure comprises several arching waves of reinforced concrete, which support a four-lane highway.