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农业是郊区逐步蚕食,在这方面的下降。Farming is on the decline in this area as the suburbs gradually encroach.

一档电视节目不得侵占另一档节目的时间。One TV pro- gram is not permitted to encroach on time allotted to another.

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不可挪移古时的地界,也不可侵入孤儿的田地。Do not move an ancient boundary stone or encroach on the fields of the fatherless

只要不来侵犯印度,就让中国尽管去筑墙或者围篱笆吧。Let China build walls or fence nobody bothers so long as it does not encroach India.

而沙丘副梁的前移迅速是格状沙丘的主要运动及其危害形式。The secondary ridges are main manifestation on the encroach and damage of sand dunes.

运用不当,则会严重侵犯涉嫌犯罪者的人身权利。Using is improper, then can seriously encroach is a suspect criminal's personal rights.

现在有些干部侵占战士的利益,这是不允许的。We now have some cadres who encroach on the soldiers' interests. This cannot be allowed.

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一个高密度的城市政策也应该减少对周边农村的侵食。A high density urban policy would also reduce pressure to encroach on the surrounding countryside.

岁月能蚕食颜容,而放弃热情却会老化心灵。Years could encroach on your beauty , but the abandoned enthusiasm that will make your heart get old.

任何试图挑战总统在这个领域的特权的举动都遭到了迅速而坚定的制止。Any attempt to encroach upon presidential prerogatives in this domain was quickly and firmly resisted.

最后,他们终于通过了法令,惩罚那些侵犯动物珍爱区的私家地盘所有者。Finally, they passed a law that penalizes private landowners who encroach on protected wildlife areas.

结论新城疫病毒治疗人喉癌裸鼠模型有效,不侵犯正常组织。Conclusion These studies show that NDV is useful for laryngocarcinoma, that NDV is not encroach on normal tissue.

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晚期毒结筋骨,常侵犯骨骼、内脏、神经,引起严重后果。Bones and muscles of terminal poison knot, often encroach skeletal, splanchnic , nerve, cause serious consequence.

牢记你要参与孩子的生活,但本质上不要侵犯他们的生活。Always remember, you’re becoming involved in your child’s life. It’s essential you don’t encroach too much upon it.

吃饭的人小心翼翼,胳膊肘和用筷子的动作就像精致的舞蹈,否则在吃面的时候一不留神你就侵犯了你旁边的食客的领土。There is a delicate choreographyof elbows and chopsticks as diners take care not to encroach on theirneighbours' territory.

目前,只涉及牛头人的小部分利益,不过如果这些长着钢毛的“猪人”侵占得太多的话,他们就必须付出代价。For now, it is a small concern for the tauren, but if the bristly "boar men" encroach too far, there will be a price to pay.

传染性出血黄疸是由出血性黄疸钩端螺旋体引起的,主要侵犯幼犬。The infection bleeds huang dan is the end helicoid causes by hemorrhagic huang dangou mainly encroach es upon the young dog.

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就在西方竞争对手开始蚕食中国快速增长的汽车市场时,中国汽车产业正在寻找自己的独特“外观”。China's auto industry is searching for its own distinctive look as Western rivals begin to encroach on its fast-growing turf.

不料,一波还未平息,一波又来侵袭,此门开关时总是发出“吱吱呀呀”的声音,烦人。Didn't expect, 1 haven't quell, 1 encroach upon again, this switch always send out the voice of "Zhi Zhi ah ah", vexed person.

建筑工地经常侵占到繁忙的街道上,路过的司机只得霸占人行道甚至横跨城市公园。Building sites often encroach onto busy streets, prompting impatient drivers to swerve onto sidewalks and cut across city parks.