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分子的状态。The molecular state.

寒冷抑制了分子的运动。Cold quells molecular motion.

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什么是分子烹饪?What Is Molecular Gastronomy?

药物是分子的破坏者。Drugs are molecular saboteurs.

我们的分子配分函数。Our molecular partition function.

分子和细胞神经科学。Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences.

分子与生化寄生虫学。Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology.

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这就是A的分子量。Well, that's the molecular weight of it.

邢永忠,水稻产量的基因分子基础,综述。Genetic and Molecular Basis of Rice Yield.

纤维朊原分子体积很大。The molecular volume of fibrinogen is large.

就是这种分子运动我们称之为热。It is this molecular motion that we call heat.

这就是我们所说的分子轨道。So this is what we call our molecular orbital.

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那就是所有可能的分子状态。Those were all the molecular states available.

现在我填充了分子氢。And now I have to fill this molecular hydrogen.

让我们画一下He2的分子图。Let's draw the molecular diagram for h e 2 now.

但是分子结构略微不同。It's got slightly different molecular structure.

中孔径分子筛及应用。Mesoporous molecular sieves and its applications.

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从氢分子中我们得不到这种光线。You do not get this line from molecular hydrogen.

单元1-3之分子视觉化练习。Molecular Visualization Exercises For Modules 1-3.

这就是成键分子轨道的概念。So that's the idea of a bonding molecular orbital.