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眉山是一块充满生机与活力的地方。Meishan is a place full of vitality.

最具有活力潜力的城市。A place of vitality and potentiality.

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人为的语言缺乏生命力。An artificial language has no vitality.

园林无水则不活。Gardens will be no vitality without water.

这就是抽象地说话的奇妙之处。It is the abstract vitality of our speech.

我们让优雅的校园,充满勃勃生机。Our school is elegant and full of vitality.

这是王晓峰的命脉所在。This is where Wang Xiaofeng's vitality lies.

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在园林庭院内使用景观石可增添生机活力。Used in garden landscape stone add vitality.

海湾战争使伊拉克大伤元气。The Gulf War has sapped Iraqi vitality badly.

身体微恙会降低你的活力。Minor health problems may lower your vitality.

这种声音的生动性是与精力充沛程度相关的。This vocal vitality is related to energy level.

萝卜小人参,常吃有精神。Radish and ginseng make people full of vitality.

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气氛欢乐而活泼。The atmosphere bubbles with gaiety and vitality.

儿童们仿佛赋有无限活力。Children seem to be endued with endless vitality.

温室里的花卉没有会有强除夜的死命力。Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality.

它精神的力量能滋养我们的生命力。It is spiritual energy that nourishes our vitality.

二是深化改革、激发经济活力。Second, deepen reform to unleash economic vitality.

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久病一场后她正在休养。She is regaining her vitality after a long illness.

这件雕塑品很逼真,富有生气。The sculpture is true to life and full of vitality.

以勃勃的生机面对任何的挑战。To the great vitality in the face of any challenge.