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本世纪估计是不可能了。Not in this century.

博瑟姆得了一百分。Botham made a century.

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二十一世纪的吉普林。A 21st century Kipling.

十八世纪吗?Is it the eighteenth century?

我们走上世纪大道。When we walk on Century Avenue.

21世纪朋克的精神。The spirit of 21st century punk.

这是十七世纪的景象This is the seventeenth century.

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他是来自另一个世纪的诗人。He is a poet from another century.

在巴格达,八世纪。In Baghdad, in the eighth century.

我记得是公元前三世纪I think it's the third Century B.C.

核武器,那也太20世纪了。Nuclear weapons are so 20th century.

白粥,猪肉粥,鸡肉粥,皮蛋粥。Plain, Pork, Chicken or Century Egg.

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这事一百年方遇一次。That only happens once in a century.

这个世纪出了许多大人物。The century produces many great men.

我对许多人都有种讨厌的感觉。I am the person born in this century.

我喜欢世纪城的房子。I like the apartment in Century Town.

埃菲尔铁塔始建于十九世纪。It's built in the nineteenth century.

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让我们为下个世纪作好准备。Let's get ready for the next century.

他们生活在十世纪They were alive in the tenth century.

你对十世纪的事知道些什么?What do you know about tenth century?