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他的同伴正在打瞌睡。His companions doze.

别在工作时打瞌睡。Don't doze over your work.

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他喜欢在饭后打个盹儿。He likes to have a doze after dinner.

有些学生常在课堂上打瞌睡。Some students often doze off in class.

等她朦朦胧胧地刚离开思索将要睡去,春宝又醒了。As she was about to doze off, Chun Bao woke up.

我躺了下来,靠在衣服上,打了个小盹。I lie down among the clothes I have put on the bed and doze.

通常我会等孩子们都睡了才去上床。I am usually ready to sleep soon after the children doze off.

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在建筑工地等候的时候,杰克开始打瞌睡。While waiting at the construction site, Jack begins to doze off.

让你们的身体保持这个位置,举起你上面的那条腿。Keep both of your torsos in this doze pose and lift your top leg.

上千上万册图书杂志在图书馆里“睡大觉”。Hundreds and thousands of books and magazines doze in the library.

当你缺少睡眠时就很容易打瞌睡。It can be easy to doze off in a meeting when you're sleep deprived.

并且在写作课上我总是打磕睡。And I can always successfully doze off when I am in writing lecture.

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我不能想象你怎么早上在外面也要瞌睡。I cannot conceive how you manage to doze out of doors, in the morning.

这样,如果我打瞌睡的话,我就会拉动七濑的头发。This way, if i doze off and fall over, i'll end up pulling nanase's hair.

他说把建茶送给包居士,让其饮了在参禅时可免打瞌睡。He said the tea bag to build and let its drink in the book can avoid doze.

搅乳器晃动的声音首先使得汤普生太太微微打盹。The sound of the swinging churn rocked Mrs. Thompson first into a gentle doze.

有时当她吃饭的时候,我坐在桌旁打瞌睡,”他解释说。Sometimes I doze off sitting at the table while she has her meal,” he explains.

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那信使吃完便餐便在长凳上坐下,打起盹来。The messenger seated on a form after taking that refection, had dropped into a doze.

老板走后,剧作家吃了一打面包作为晚餐然后开始打瞌睡了。After the boss left, the dramatist had a dozen buns for supper. Then he began to doze off.

我有本人的必须和寄托于不一,大多数打瞌睡的人会暂停身体的运动。I make my own necessities and reposing's never one, Most of those who doze pause in motion.