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英国常春藤是一种常绿攀缘植物。The English ivy is an evergreen creeper.

绝不像攀缘的凌霄花。I will never resemble clambering trumpet creeper.

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昏昏欲睡的爬虫一步一步爬进我赌袖子里睡觉。Step by step the sleepy creeper crawled into my sleeve to sleep.

昏昏欲睡的爬虫一步一步爬进我的袖子里睡觉.Step by step, the sleepy creeper crawled into my sleeve to sleep.

吸烟的女人,内心冰凉如面一朵凌霄花。The inner of the smoking woman is as cold as one trumpet creeper.

“苕子”细细的,只有一寸多长。"Chinese trumpet creeper " is thin, only when how long one inch is.

我轻轻地用手一拉爬山虎的茎,居然还拉不下来呢!I gently pulled his hand a creeper of the stem, actually still could not pull it off!

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很多人形容评为浆果厂作为组合之间,葡萄,番茄蔓。Many people describe the goji berry plant as a mix between a grape vine, and a tomato creeper.

有兴趣的话,你也可以种种爬山虎,观察一下它,你肯定会发现许多有趣的东西。Are interested, you can also all kinds of creeper , look at it, you surely will find many interesting things.

履带板的疲劳寿命是自行火炮维修保障体系中急缺的指标。The fatigue life of the creeper tread is lacking in the maintenance support system of the self-propelled gun.

它是梵语文学中的马拉雅山地带,产小豆蔻蔓和檀香树。It is the tract of the Malaya Hills of Sanskrit literature where grow the cardamum creeper and the Sandal Tree.

我注意到,在一些照片,我是有爬行汽车排气口和摄入量对双方的船民。I noticed in a few photos I have that there is a creeper motor exhaust port and intake on both sides of the boat.

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我们时而路过一所沼地里的小房,墙和屋顶都是用石料砌成的,墙上也没有蔓藤掩饰它那粗糙的轮廓。Now and then we passed a moorland cottage, walled and roofed with stone, with no creeper to break its harsh outline.

一款典雅的爬草,细剑梢上带著小花,行长在我们右侧的稻田边缘。A graceful creeper with a tiny blossom trailed along the narrow strip of sward that edged the rice-field on our right.

种爬山虎的人,只要把爬山虎的“脚”放在石缝或裂缝中,再浇些水,就大功告成了。Kinds of creeper people, as long as the ivy's "feet" on the crevice, or cracks, and then poured some water, I was done.

爸爸看到草坪上有许多“苕子草”,就摘了几个下来,教我们做哨子吹。Father has a lot of "Chinese trumpet creeper grass " on seeing a lawn, will have plucked several coming down, teach us doing whistle boast.

古老的长满了苔藓的砖墙在轻声呼喊“留下来吧”,窗子在微微含笑,房门在好言劝说,在举手召唤,长春藤也因为暗中同谋而露出了羞愧。The aged and lichened brick gables breathed forth 'Stay!' The windows smiled, the door coaxed and beckoned, the creeper blushed confederacy.

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针对传统的高锰钢作为履带板材料在实际应用中的不足,试验采用了一种新型的铸造低合金高强度耐磨钢替代。A kind of new low-alloy steel with strength was studied to overcome the deficiency of traditional high-manganese steel used in making creeper truck.

今天我在男朋友家冲澡,他半裸着进来了,然后大哭着说看到我光着上半身感觉好桑心。Today, I was taking a shower at my boyfriend's house when he walked in on me half-naked. He then cried because he felt like a creeper for "seeing me topless".

目前,爬山虎的应用在我省主要集中在城市园林绿化方面,大多用于垂直绿化和护坡护路。At present, the application of creeper in our province is concentrated on urban afforestation, mainly used in vertical greening and protection of bank and road.