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必须尽快制订措施拯救曲阳石雕这一古老的手工技艺。Quyang to expeditiously formulate measures to save the ancient stone craftsmanship.

中方将在履行完国内手续后,尽快实施。This measure will come into effect expeditiously once the domestic review process is completed.

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第二,加快落实增长战略,提高经济增长质量。Second, expeditiously implement the APEC Growth Strategy and improve the quality of economic growth.

奉召出动的队员接获印出的地址后,便能迅速地到达现场。With the address printed out the responding crews can attend to the reported address more expeditiously.

有趣的是,这将鼓励风投迅速敲定交易。Interestingly enough, this should encourage the VC to work expeditiously on getting the transaction done.

中国应该迅速纠正造成这一问题的社会和法律合力。China should act expeditiously to correct the social and legal pressures that have converged to create this problem.

‘当公众健康处于危机关头时,有关机构必须迅速采取行动,在危机发生前将其解决。’‘When the public health may be at stake, the agency must move expeditiously to consider and resolve the issues before it.’

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即使恶毒反对奥巴马的美国商会也督促国会“尽快地”提高债务的上限。Even the virulently anti-Obama U.S. Chamber of Commerce has urged Congress to raise the ceiling “as expeditiously as possible.”

这份报告会危害国家安全,中情局放出话来,要迅速解决这份长达500页的报告。The CIA has promised to work "expeditiously" to scrub the nearly 500-page summary of information that could imperil national security.

这位啰嗦的语言大师一丝不苟地写上了轮班的实例,并迅速地确认了每周销售报告数字的准确性。This long-winded wordsmith "punctiliously shifts paradigms" and "expeditiously ensures the numerical veracity of weekly sales reports."

他说,这将使它们“不必经过冗长甚至痛苦的审批程序而大胆、快速的行动。”This, he said, would allow them to “act boldly and expeditiously without having to go through a lengthy or even painful approval process.”

暴雪公司正在等待诉讼文件的正式送达,以便能够正确并迅速的调查任何诉求,并通过法律程序应诉。Blizzard awaits formal delivery of the lawsuit so that it can properly and expeditiously investigate any claims and respond through the court system.

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以我的经验而言,清理部署环境最大的好处就是提供了更快排除问题故障的途径。In my experience, one of the most significant benefits with scorching your environment is to provide a way to troubleshoot problems more expeditiously.

应该把政府部门、企业和投资者等纳入这个过程,以便迅速制定一套客观、合理的标准。Government authorities, companies, investors and others should be involved in this effort so that an objective and fair set of standards is prepared expeditiously.

当然希望,在平壤的内容,六方会谈应尽快恢复,然后,就能再度着手非核化的工作。It is certainly our hope that based on discussions in Pyongyang that the six-party talks resume expeditiously and we can get back to important work of denuclearization.

这位人民党总理候选人指出,他将要求最高法院迅速审理案件,确保所有罪犯被送入监狱。The BJP prime ministerial candidate said he will ensure that all offenders are sent to jail after asking the Supreme Court to hear the cases against them expeditiously.

2000年,最高法院在布什与戈尔僵持不下的竞选中显示它有能力迅速处理国家重大事件。The Supreme Court showed, in the Bush-Gore stand-off of 2000, that it is capable of acting expeditiously in matters of great national importance. It is time it did so again.

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据悉,继首次培训之后,北京市家具协会还将举行培训,以期尽快在北京家具行业中推行新国标。It is reported that, since the first training, the Beijing Furniture Association will hold training in Beijing with a view to expeditiously implement the new furniture industry GB.

我们建立了跨部委的防扩散应急机制,旨在迅速、有效地处理突发性扩散个案。First, we have put in place an interagency contingency mechanism on nonproliferation with a view to dealing with emergent isolated proliferation cases expeditiously and effectively.

这便要求各缔约国有义务单独或通过国际援助和合作,最大限度使用现有资源,尽可能迅速有效的向前推进。This imposes an obligation to move forward as expeditiously and effectively as possible, individually and through international assistance and co-operation, to the maximum of available resources.