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即使我们不能使我们过去的关系合法化,我至少也能帮助你。If I cannot legitimize our former relations at least I can assist you.

肯尼亚政府一直犹豫着是否将非法占用的土地合法化。The Kenyan government is hesitant to legitimize illegally squatted land.

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从某种意义上说,竞争实际上是很有好处的——特别是在开发新市场方面。In a sense, competition actually is good—especially to legitimize new markets.

1999年,回到中国的卢安克设立了一个办事处,以使自己服务的身份和目的合法化。When Loewe returned to China in 1999, he set up an office to legitimize make his status and goals.

接下来的隋朝,统治者又将儒教道教与佛教混合起来合法化其权利。In the ensuing Sui dynasty, Confucianism and Taoism were again fused with Buddhism to legitimize it.

政论家说这是已掌权近五十年的将军们统治合法化的骗局。Critics call it a sham to legitimize the rule of generals who've been in power for nearly fifty years.

所有这些因素都使得公债的定价更低,更没能促使它们反弹。All of these factors serve to legitimize the lower pricing of bonds, rather than encourage their rebound.

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而那些前提条件涉及我们不会以面对面的会议去合法化,类似于内贾德那样的人。Those pre-conditions would apply that we wouldn't legitimize with a face to face meeting, a person like Ahmadinejad.

如果英国法院再一次驳回费德勒要求房屋合法化的请求,不排除上诉到欧洲法庭的可能。A further appeal to European courts is possible if British courts again reject Fidler's bid to legitimize his castle.

它将倒转国际间日渐形成的对于鲸鱼保护的共识并难以理解地使商业捕鲸合法化。It would reverse the emerging global consensus for whale conservation and inexplicably legitimize commercial whaling.

卡扎菲的利比亚人民的太多,但大多数媒体掩盖真相的战争合法化。Muammar Gaddafi did too much for Libyan people, but the most of the media covered up the truth to legitimize the war.

他知道以色列的单方面袭击不仅会加剧伊朗的核野心,而且会使之合法化。He knows that a unilateral Israeli strike would not only accelerate Iran's nuclear ambitions but also legitimize them.

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特别是在埃及,这是相对于“本土”埃及的人来说所拥有的特权地位。Especially in Egypt, it was intended to legitimize the privileged status of the Hellene relative to the "native" Egyptian.

古代皇帝试图将都江堰灌溉系统或者大运河这样的工程合法化。Emperors sought to legitimize their rule with large-scale water projects like the Grand Canal or the irrigation system in Dujiangyan.

他们希望“售出1000台”这个里程碑会使之前觉得潘多拉不稳定的人们能够承认它,并带来更多的业务量。They hope the 1, 000-shipped milestone will legitimize the device for people who felt shaky about it before, prompting even more growth.

他说,他不能参加这次决选是因为他不想让穆加贝对津巴布韦人民的战争合法化。Mr. Tsvangirai said he cannot take part in the runoff because he does not want to legitimize Mr. Mugabe's war against the people of Zimbabwe.

但尽管他建设兴旺的经济而且从来没有被视为腐败之人,他被迫增加严厉的措施令自己的执政合法化。But even though he built a thriving economy and was never seen as corrupt, he was forced to legitimize his rule by increasingly harsh measures.

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如果中国真的成功推行了这一政策,“它将作为核燃料循环使用的一个标准化范例”,他最近撰文说。If China succeeds in its push, "its example may help legitimize reprocessing as a standard part of the nuclear-power fuel cycle," he wrote in a recent paper.

“每一个接续的政治制度都利用这些宝藏来使他们和上层人士在一起变得合法化,”乔治华盛顿大学的一位中国学者Shambaugh教授这样说道。“Every successive regime used the collection to legitimize themselves with elites,” said Professor Shambaugh, a China scholar at George Washington University.

“每一个继任政府都会用收藏品来将他们自己列为精英阶层的传承者”,乔治·华盛顿大学的瓷器专家沈大伟教授说。“Every successive regime used the collection to legitimize themselves with elites, ” said Professor Shambaugh, a China scholar at George Washington University.