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这些趣谈是真的?How true are these anecdotal stories?

周围似乎到处都是这样的证据。The anecdotal evidence seems to be all around us.

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第三部分,清代笔记小说中城隍故事的艺术成就。Chapter three, art achievements of Qing anecdotal novels.

但是流传的证据表明很多人都看跌。But anecdotal evidence suggests plenty of people are bearish.

你会在好几个高端市场看到类似的零星数据。You'll find similar anecdotal data in several high-end markets.

奇谈怪论的例子容易受到带有偏见的选择的批评。Anecdotal instances are open to the criticism of biased selection.

但是有佚闻报告显示所有的状况正在向正确的方向发展。But anecdotal reports show things are moving in the right direction.

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这里的问题是它的有效报道主要是逸事。The problem here is that reports of its efficacy are mainly anecdotal.

每个评估都有一小段带有轶事信息的摘要。With each assessment a short summary with anecdotal information is shared.

「那些稗官野史的流言不值得信任,」他补充道。"There are just anecdotal rumours which are not worth trusting, " he added.

好几项研究和很多奇闻轶事的证据似乎都能证明这一点。Several studies, as well as a lot of anecdotal evidence, seem to support this.

还有一些消息指出,专注学习或许也能帮助一些病患。Anecdotal accounts suggest that effortful learning may also help some patients.

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一些研究和轶文都对这个主题有更深入的看法。Both research and anecdotal literature can shed a more in-depth look on this topic.

虽然邮费相对低廉,但是丢失信件的轶事简直举不胜举。Postal rates were relatively cheap, but anecdotal accounts of lost letters are legion.

此前有传闻说,5日的早餐会可能会第一次撞出火星。Earlier anecdotal evidence suggests that on the 5th of breakfast may first across Mars.

我今天还活着,所以我们至少有一个奇闻异事一般的例证说明,这个方法还相当不错。I'm alive today, so we have at least some anecdotal evidence that it works reasonably well.

虽然以上这些看上去很像道听途说,但还是有相当的科学研究可以证实这些。While this may seem like largely anecdotal advice, there's plenty of research to back it up.

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有足够的证据说明水是如何控制你的食欲的。There's no shortage of anecdotal evidence about how water might work to control your appetite.

太湖面积很大,而可用的数据却很少,因此对太湖水的独立监测只能依靠观察获得线索。The lake is vast and few data are available, so independent monitors rely on anecdotal evidence.

一些佚事表明鱼类喜欢在浮标附近聚集,从而吸引了捕鱼船到来。Anecdotal evidence suggests that fish tend to group around the buoys, attracting fishing vessels.