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瑞德“你很有可能会是我的得力助手。”Zed You could be my right-hand man.

ZED的结构被设计为120年使用寿命年或者更长。ZED structure is designed for a 120 year of longer.

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下面的图表是一个典型的ZED住宅纵剖面。The diagram below is a cross-section of a typical dwelling in a ZED.

瑞德“更美好的事情你也应该看到,不能老看着我。”Zed Things better and you should see that can not always looked at me.

他两位朋友的名字都是以“兹特”开头的,我发不准那个音。His two friends had names that began with a "zed", which I couldn't pronounce properly.

这一头猛犸被科学约翰哈里斯命名为“泽德”,他有两块超过三米长的完整象牙。This one, named Zed by scientist John Harris, has 2 intact tusks more than 3 meters long.

ZED食品自发削减包装同时因此食物将会无包装且新鲜。ZED food initiatives reduce packaging as the majority of food will be fresh and unpackaged.

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BFF为英国的‘一颗星生活空间’分析了ZED产品的潜能。BFF have analysed the potential offered by ZED products for'one planet living'within the UK.

泽德说这场地震让她更加坚定她的信念,她将地震理解为上帝对过去的一切恶行的报复。Zed said the quake had fortified her faith, and that she understood it as divine retribution.

瑞德“你必须记住一点,这个世界和我们村子是完全不同的,他处处充满着危险。”Zed You must bear in mind, the world and our village is totally different, he is full of danger.

我把画命名为「不合时期」因为这个人物是从一个科技先进的社会而来的。The picture is titled " Anachronism" because Zed is from a very technologically advanced society.

ZED产品提供一个设计服务和一系列最适合特殊地点的均衡系统的绿色屋顶环境。ZED products offer a design service and a range of green roof habitats most suited to the ecology of a particular site.

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我相信这个修补在2006年的某个时候就已经完成了,这么久远的故事Zed却为此在2007年年底发布了一个所谓“爆炸性新闻”,我有点无法理解。I believe the fix appeared some time in 2006. So even when Zed published his implosion at the end of 2007, this was already ancient history.

我们花了几年时间开发和精心制作了ZED模型和设备,向客户提供他们所期望的可持续性的完整方案。We have spent several years developing and refining the ZED model and the tools that help give clients the sustainable, holistic scheme they desire.

为了使由零能源发展的住户产生的垃圾减至最少,类似该方式的低成本环保型混合堆肥将废物循环利用变得更加简单。In an effort to minimise what is sent to landfill by ZED residents recycling is made far easier by such system as this – a low cost, environmentally friendly composter.

而这一切所需要就是,十几个地方政府部门分别扶植一个本地的零能耗开放商,而英国将在推进可再生能源驱动的社会方面引导欧洲潮流。All it needs is a dozen local authorities to help foster a ZED development in their domain and Britain would lead Europe in promoting a society powered by renewable energy.

虽然零能耗开发背后还有一些闲言杂语,零能耗开发利用现有的施工技巧,比如预应力,预制构件,建造起来没有难度。Although there are some complex arguments behind ZED principles, ZED use existing construction skills as well pre-tested, prefabricated components, and are not difficult to build.