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布里奇能否再考虑考虑?Could Bridge yet reconsider?

我会重新考虑我的结论。I will reconsider my conclusion.

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我感到遗憾,并敦促他们重新考虑。I regret that and urge them to reconsider.

那统统我们将没有能没有重新甲笤思索。We will have to reconsider the whole thing.

法庭决定重新审议这项裁决。The court decided to reconsider the verdict.

此刻这张打皱的明信片却促我重新扪心自问。The wrinkled postcard now made me reconsider.

我们应该对此条重新考虑,推敲一下措词。We should reconsider it and weight the wording.

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但是此时无论他们还是我们都应该仔细考虑一下。But it is time for them – for us – to reconsider.

你可以重新考虑吗?I'm sorry we make a decision. Can’t you reconsider?

召集陪审团重新审议其裁定。The jury was called upon to reconsider its verdict.

但他说,庆华会重新考虑,他对此满怀希望。But he said he was hopeful that Kingho would reconsider.

过去几周发生的事件迫使我重新审视自己的观点。Events of the last few weeks have forced me to reconsider.

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所以,我敦促中国政府重新考虑其顽固立场。So I’d urge China’s government to reconsider its stubbornness.

这也迫使它审慎地重新考虑资本投资计划。This also made it prudent to reconsider capital spending plans.

阿尔耶在这段时间内一直呼吁新加坡当局重新考虑自己的签证申请。Aryee has appealed to Singapore to reconsider his visa application.

妳要不要再考虑看看妳不想跟我出去的回答,费欧娜?Would you reconsider your answer about not going out with me, Fiona?

老皇帝要求卡拉富重新考虑,但卡拉富不为所动。The old emperor asks Calàf to reconsider but he will not be dissuaded.

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我们认为自己在很大程度上被蒙在鼓里,然而我们应当对此重新思考。We think we are being cheated on a huge scale, but we should reconsider.

您家中有其他的东西,我敢肯定,你可以重新考虑。There are other things in your home, I’m sure, that you could reconsider.

如果你是一名抵制网络人士,该是时候重新考虑一下了。If you are one of the social networking holdouts, it’s time to reconsider.