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一场因水坝破裂所造成的大洪水。A cataclysm caused by the dam breaking.

没有任何激变曾使整个世界变成荒芜。No cataclysm has desolated the whole world.

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两声突出的铙钹将动荡的乐曲结束在G小调。Two towering cymbal crashes end the cataclysm in G minor.

也有些学者曾经警告人们有房市泡沫,然而几乎没有人预料到这个灾难性的结果。Some warned of a housing bubble, but almost none foresaw the resulting cataclysm.

圣骑士在4.0大灾变中进行了明显的变化。Paladins have gone through significant changes with the introduction of 4.0 and Cataclysm.

他们把这个法国小村子当作是可能的最后几个“圣山”之一,可以庇护他们免遭世界末日大地震。They see Bugarach as one of perhaps several "sacred mountains" sheltered from the cataclysm.

我们目前没有为大灾变设计一个类似沙塔斯或达拉然这样的中心城市的计划。We don't have plans for a sanctuary city in the likes of Shattrath or Dalaran for Cataclysm.

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我们知道大灾变里死亡之翼将要回归,还会破坏掉旧艾泽拉斯大陆的很多地方。We know that in Cataclysm Deathwing is going to come back and destroy a lot of old world Azeroth.

精明而又顽强的地精是资料片大灾变中部落方的全新种族。The shrewd and tenacious goblins are the Horde's newest playable race with the Cataclysm expansion.

比尔·布赖森把1066年诺曼人对英国的征服叫做“英语最后的大变革”。Bill Bryson calls the Norman conquest of 1066 the "final cataclysm which awaited the English language."

这些大灭绝中最近的一次也是人们最熟悉的一次,终结了恐龙时代。The most recent of the Big Five is the most familiar one—the cataclysm that ended the Age of Dinosaurs.

玩家和他的朋友们就在被遗忘的灾难中成长。The player and their friends are coming of age in a calmer time, the horrors of the Cataclysm forgotten.

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在人类被驱遣到地底六年之后,终于开始了反攻,重夺地表。Sixty years after the cataclysm that drove humanity underground, it finally emerges to retake the surface.

而这也是我们要在大灾变中重新设计各职业天赋树的一个主要原因。We are aware of these issues and this is a big part of the talent tree redo we have planned for Cataclysm.

阿纳金让千年隼在地面上停留了尽可能长的时间,直到灾难袭来的最后一刻才飞离现场。Anakin kept the Falcon grounded as long as he could, soaring away from the cataclysm at the last possible instant.

狂澜既倒,我们都在断瓦颓垣之中,慢慢养成一点新习惯,抱着一点新希望。The cataclysm has happened, we are among the ruins, we start to build up new little habits, to have new little hopes.

关于宇宙诞生的最流行的理论的核心的部分是一次史无前例的宇宙巨变——大爆炸。The most popular theory of our universe's origin centers on a cosmic cataclysm unmatched in all of history—the big bang.

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一个关于全球性灾难,这带来了对世界的结束和对幸存者的可歌可泣的英勇斗争,告诉冒险。An epic adventure about a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors.

圣像破坏是画像的剧变运动,起始于拜占庭宫殿所有的圣像全被摧毁。Iconoclasm, the cataclysm of the paintings. This movement that started in the palace of Byzantium to destroy all holy images.

这个问题最终被第一次世界大战的灾难所解决,从那时起,现代阿拉伯国家开始成型。The Eastern Question was eventually settled by the cataclysm of World War I, from which the modern Arab state system emerged.