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它是坏的吗?是不道德的吗?So it that bad? Is that immoral?

你在梦境里是否道德败坏?And can you be immoral in a dream?

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那将是不道德的,没有人性的。That would be immoral and inhumane.

有些人说他所做的是不道德的。Some say what he is doing is immoral.

婚外性行为是不道德的。Sex outside marriage is usually immoral.

歌手假唱是很不道德的。The singer's lip-synching is very immoral.

婚外性和谐行为通常是不道德的。Sex outside of marriage is usually immoral.

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我以为这类思想都是属于不道德的。I suggest that all such thoughts are immoral.

但还是不要让人们认为寻欢就是不道德。But let no one think that pleasure is immoral.

丈夫所在单位的老板很阴险也不道德。The boss of her husband is viperous and immoral.

因为道德败坏的行为被社会所排斥。Ostracized by the community for immoral activities.

你应该为你所犯下的不人道罪刑感到惭愧。You should be abashed to commit such immoral crime.

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疮痛被无知的不道德者口头忽视了。The sore is orally ignored by the ignorant immoral man.

这很不象话,一个床垫有这么大的威力。It is immoral that a mattress should have so much power.

我们知道这是不道德、不合乎伊斯兰教规的,但是我们怎么改变?We know it is immoral and unIslamic, but how can we quit?

自杀是不道德且不被人理解的。So suicide is both immoral on the one hand and never makes sense.

他靠为旅客拉皮条而过着见不得人的生活。He made an immoral living procuring women for tourists in the city.

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彼得过着一种邪恶的生活,专为需要女人的男人拉皮条。Peter lived an immoral life, pimping for any man who needed a woman.

可能有些人看不起虫子出老千,认为这是不道德的。Now, some people might look down on worm's nechanics, call it immoral.

一切恶行几乎都是围绕着虚荣而生的。The whole immoral conducts almost is wear vainglory around but living.