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中文字是一种表意文字。Chinese characters are a form of ideogram.

汉字是当今世界仅存的一种表意文字。Chinese characters are the only existing ideogram in the world today.

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共同的信念是,标志或表意的形象体现,是一个组织。The common belief is that the logo or the ideogram is the image embodying an organization.

不要把研究特殊性的一词与表意符号的一词混淆,后者是衍生于表意符号的形容词。The word idiographic is not to be confused with ideographic, which is the adjective formed from ideogram.

的一词与表意符号的一词混淆,后者是衍生于表意符号的形容词。The word idiographic is not to be confused with ideographic, which is the adjective formed from ideogram.

对表意文字产生兴趣,来到日本,分别用英文及日文撰写诗及散文。An interest in the ideogram led him to Japan where he now writes poetry and prose, in both English and Japanese.

直到这个“黄金时代“茶的出现,一个独特的汉字也成为汉语语言的一部分。It was not until this "Golden Age of Tea" that a distinct ideogram for tea became a part of Chinese written language.

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文人花鸟画得到了初步的发展,并逐步由“以形写形”开始向“以意写形”转变。Literati flower-and-bird painting got preliminary development and gradually started to change from"painting on the shape"to"painting on the ideogram".

象形表意的特性使汉字具有丰富的文化内涵,它以影缩的方式展现中国传统的文化意识。Its pictographic and ideogram characteristic enriches Chinese characters with cultural connotations. They show the Chinese traditional cultural consciousness with suggestive reduction.

其表意文字的性质决定了水文常见字中必然会产生大量复杂的异体现象,对这一现象的研究是水文文字学研究不可或缺的重要组成部分。There are so many complicated variants in Shui characters because of its nature of ideogram. The investigation about the variants is quite indispensable in the study on Shui characters.

文章主要从韵律、意象和意境三个方面阐释了四种译文中美学元素的再现,并给出了笔者的期待视野。It applies these two concepts to analyze four translated versions of Chun Xiao and focuses on the reproduction of the aesthetic constituents from the aspects of rhythm image and ideogram.