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谁会怕一只爬虫类阿?。Who's afraid of a reptile?

外科医生救了这条重达60磅的爬虫。Surgery saved the 60-pound reptile.

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蛇是爬行纲有鳞目蛇亚目的总称。The snake is a reptile Squamata Serpentes.

不适用鱼类、两栖、爬行动物的饲养。Obsolescent fish, amphibious, the feeding of reptile.

起来,可别把你自己贬成一个下贱的爬虫。Rise, and don't degrade youself into an abject reptile.

起来,可别把你自己贬成一个下贱的爬虫。Rise, and don't degrade yourself into an abject reptile.

爬行动物皮革十分抢眼,可以让你成为抢镜焦点。Reptile skin is eye-catching and makes a fine focal point.

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谁能给我一些海洋爬行动物和翼龙的英文名?。Who can give me some sea reptile and pterodactyl 's English name?

哺乳类起源于中生代宛若原始的爬虫类。Mammals arose from a fairly primitive reptile in the Mesozoic era.

甚至连警车鸣笛都无法把这只庞然的爬虫类动物从路中吓跑。Even police car sirens couldn't scare the big reptile off the road.

迄今已知大约70种爬行动物有单性繁殖行为。Parthenogenesis is so far known to occur in about 70 reptile species.

他指著沙上伸展的踪迹,此是一种稀有爬虫类所做出的标示。On a stretch of sandy trail, he points to signs of a very rare reptile.

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对爬行脑来说,总有某个地方的某个人要发出攻击。But to the reptile brain, someone, somewhere, is always about to attack.

产于美国身上有六条纹的鞭尾蜥是世界上最快的爬行动物。The six-lined racerunner in the USA is the fastest reptile in the world.

依拉丝莫龙是种生活在海洋中的爬行动物,有46英尺长。Elasmosaurus was a reptile that lived in the oceans. It was 46 feet long.

浪子们喜欢带着乌龟一起散步,并把这些爬行动物的速度做为自己行走速度的标准。Flaneurs liked to take turtles for walks and let the reptile set the pace.

这只史前爬行动物生活在约一亿两千五百万年前的白垩纪。The prehistoric reptile lived in the Cretaceous period, about 125 million years ago.

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这条蛇正在“蛇窝中舒服地休息并且无忧无虑”,同时“活得还很好。”She is "resting comfortably and secure in the reptile house, " and is "alive and well".

这条爬虫作出了这辈子最糟糕的选择,也绝对是它最后一次的选择。It was the worst choice the reptile could ever have made and it was definitely its last.

禽类是由爬虫类进化而来,所以,第一只禽鸟肯定是从爬虫类孵化的蛋里出来的。Bird evolved from reptiles, so the first bird must have come out of an egg--laid by a reptile.