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这本书是絮叨的么?The book is repetitive?

而传统的回铃音是重复的“嘟--嘟”声。The standard tone is a repetitive ring.

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手动和重复性任务的自动化。Automation of manual and repetitive tasks.

它被称为RSI,或者肢体重复性劳损。It’s called RSI or Repetitive Strain Injury.

爱默生受不了这样循环的怪圈。Emerson could not stand this repetitive cycle.

我的行为是受限的,反复的和反社会的。It was often limited, repetitive and anti-social.

酒店设计千篇一律,缺乏特色和创意。Repetitive design with neither features nor originality.

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锐舞音乐的定义是一种重复节拍。Rave music is defined as anything with a repetitive beat.

如重复的工作没多久后就会变得令人厌烦。Repetitive work can become soul-destroying after a while.

简单说来,RSI是一项由于重复性的动作带来的损伤。Put simply, RSI is an injury caused by repetitive activity.

只由重复的非线性负载引起。Harmonics are only caused by repetitive and non-linear loads.

简直是重复劳动!我整天都是坐在那儿填表。It's so repetitive. I just sit there all day filling in forms.

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这就是RLE对于非重复数据流并非有效的原因。This is why RLE is not very effective on non repetitive streams.

假设您需要在几个服务器上执行某些重复的工作。Let's say you need to do some repetitive work on several servers.

这两点都很重要——理解和反复。Both of those words are important-- Understandable and Repetitive.

虽然有些流水账,但依然值得阅读。But despite being repetitive and long-winded, it is worth the read.

他摇摆不定的敏捷,和蔼可亲,并拱重复和尴尬。He vacillates from agile, amiable, and arch to repetitive and awkward.

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对于多个命令的情况下,重定向可能会变得很复杂,而且可能会重复出现。For multiple commands, the redirections can get complex and repetitive.

平坦的,柔和的图片添加搞活细节的重复文本。The flat, pastel pictures add enlivening details to the repetitive text.

在手工进行部署时,部署是一个重复且容易出现错误的流程。When manually applied, deployment is a repetitive and error-prone process.