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极端与否,工程兵是不会放弃战斗。Extreme or not, the SCV isn't giving up the fight.

总是让一个SCV在地堡后面随时进行维修。Always keep an SCV behind each Bunker for swift repair.

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SCV设计及发展工作小组认真学习及准备工作坊。SCV Task Force learned and prepared the workshop seriously.

保证每个地堡旁边都跟着一个开着自动修理的SCV。Be sure to post an SCV in Auto-Repair mode just behind each Bunker.

SCV设计为在内径处通过卫生金属箍密封,此设计使阀门可替代食品级密封要求。The SCV design seals on the ID of sanitary ferrules with replaceable food grade seals.

矿奴机采集矿物的速率比工程兵快很众,但议定一段时候之后就会破坏。Mules can gather minerals much faster than an SCV but break down after a period of time.

结论该方法是诊断临床型精索静脉曲张、亚临床精索静脉曲张的简单、安全、有效的无创诊断方法。Conclusions It is concluded that RSS is a simple, safe, noninvasive, effective method in detecting CV and SCV.

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在维修工作完成之后这个SCV会继续走原来设定好的巡逻路线。The SCV will repair nearby units and buildings and continue its designated patrol pattern again after the repairs are complete.

通过分析数据源NLANR给出的真实网络流量数据,比较SCV和分组数的预测效果,以及对网络流量估计的影响。It makes a comparison between the SCV and packet number prediction effect of real traffic load of NLANR and the effect on the total traffic load estimation.

雷神开始由SCV建造,但是现在雷神像普通单位那样由工厂建造。这个改动是为了平衡吗?。The Thor was built by an SCV at first, but since quite time now it is built like a normal unit in the factory. Was this changed due to design or balance reasons?

结论对于首次确诊为2型糖尿病的患者,应对其进行神经肌电图检查,尤其是腓浅神经SCV,可明显提高糖尿病并发多发性周围神经病变的检出率。Conclusions Electromyography, especially for SCV of superficial sural nerve, can rise the diagnostic rate of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes patients who were first time diagnosed.