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前往调景岭的列车即将到达。The train for Tiu Keng Leng is arriving.

往油麻地列车即将到达,请先让车上乘客落车。The train to Tiu Keng Leng is arriving. Please let passenger exit first.

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本班列车已经抵达调景岭站,请所有乘客落车,多谢。We have arrived in Tiu Keng Leng, please exit from the train, thank you.

往调景岭列车即将到站,请先让乘客落车,多谢合作。The train for Tiu Keng Leng is arriving, please let passengers exit first. Thank you.

本校邻近调景岭地铁站,设有校巴服务。Our School is located close to Tiu Keng Leng MTR station. School bus service is provided.

调景岭,这是观塘线的终点站,谢谢乘搭地铁。Tiu Keng Leng, This is the end of the Kwun Tong Line, thank you for travelling on the MTR.

改善班次,总站迁往调景岭地铁站公共交通交汇处。Frequency improvement and terminal change to Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station Public Transport Interchange.

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香港知专设计学院及李惠利新校舍位置皆毗邻调景岭港铁站。The location of HKDI and the New Lee Wai Lee campus are both adjacent to the Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station.

本班列车以调景岭为终点站,前往北角沿途各站的乘客,请等候下一班列车。This train will arrive at Tiu Keng Leng, passenger towards North Point, please wait for the next train.

该处有兩条行人天桥。已开放的一条可由翠嶺路和港铁调景嶺站前往。There are two footbridges. The opened one is accessible from Chui Ling Road and Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station.

铁路沿线设有6个新车站,即油塘站、调景岭站、将军澳站、坑口站、宝林站和于86区的车站。Six new stations along the railway alignment, ie. Yau Tong Station, Tiu Keng Leng Station, Tseung Kwan O Station, Hang Hau Station, Po Lam Station and the Station in Area 86.