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日日花前常病酒。Amid flowers I drink all day.

雨绵绵不断地下了一下午了。One day, amid a drizzling rain.

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在老少最后的家中发白Amid the last homes of youth and eld

蒙蒙细雨一直下了几个小时。This morning, amid a drizzling rain.

他们曾生活在尘垢与肮脏之中。They had lived amid dirt and foulness.

夜来风雨声,花落知多少。Amid the wind and rain of yester-night?

在密密星群里埋藏着他的赧颜。And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

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就在这个快乐的星期日,电话铃响了。Amid this joyful Sunday, the phone rang.

葛里美附近,在陡峭的神奇烟囱景观间行走。Walking amid fairy chimneys near Goreme.

埃及罢工失败致使局势紧张。Egypt Strike Fizzles Amid Tight Security.

他在他的同代人中名声显赫。He was celebrated amid his contemporaries.

树林深处野鸽的哀诉声。The stock dove plain amid the forest deep.

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在楼群中随着气流上升的名字。Names rising in the updraft amid buildings.

野鸽在浓密的树林中哀诉。Thee stock dove plain amid the forest deep.

我还看见过橡树林中留存着的砖头。I have seen bricks amid the oak copse there.

但她在所有激动面前保持镇静。But she kept calm amid all these excitements.

列车在两旁的档树中徐徐行驶。The train crept along gently, amid ash trees.

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在人生烦中我们在诗寻得怡适。Amid life's worries we find refreshment in poetry.

正在翻相倒柜时.我突然哽咽住了。Suddenly, amid all the upheaval, my throat caught.

我很可能会在那些巨石中丢了性命。I would probably die out there amid those boulders.