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日本政府也够倒霉的。The Japanese government has been hapless.

法官吐露出的答复令人感到丧气和没有希望的。The judge`s answer came across as hapless and pathetic.

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这个倒霉的副手把那位绝地武士放进宫。The hapless lieutenant let the Jedi Knight into the palace.

起初,成龙像是个老受塔克欺负的倒霉蛋。At first, Chan seems to be a hapless patsy to Tucker's bullying.

最后李女士投诉无门,只能自认倒霉。Ms. Li is complained finally without the door, avowed and can hapless.

加入国家队和救援不幸文思从消防蹂躏建筑物。Join the Squad and rescue the hapless Darwins from fire ravaged buildings.

像利比里亚这类倒霉国家希望得到帮助,有时候也能得到帮助。The hapless states, like Liberia, want help, and sometimes they can be helped.

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如同那些倒霉的老鼠,它们寻找着让自己快乐的东西──奶酪。And, like hapless mice, they look for the thing that makes them happy---cheese.

很多不幸的女孩掉进了他的陷阱,结果都伤透了心。Many hapless girls have fallen into his trap, only to have their hearts broken.

我最近怎么这么倒霉呢?拉肚子刚好,怎么又发烧了呢?Am I the closest how so hapless? Have loose bowels just, how to have a fever again?

一排接一排倒楣的波斯士兵被自己的同胞绊倒后惨遭刺死。Trapped from behind by their own men, row after row of hapless Persians are impaled.

凡是能表同情的,都是处在同一地位的人。All those who could sympathise with you were invariably in the same hapless situation.

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同情乔治亚被打爆的第一步兵旅。还有第二。跟他不幸的海军。Pity Georgia's bedraggled first infantry brigade. And its second. And its hapless navy.

它所代表的挑战是艾伦•休格爵士那些不幸的学徒根本无法掌控的。It represents a challenge altogether beyond the grasp of Sir Alan's hapless apprentices.

它向上弯的吻部可以完美地接住任何不幸落入水中的昆虫。Its upturned mouth is perfect to snatch any hapless insect might falling into the water.

他将所有的血精灵士兵监禁在了达拉然的地牢里,并宣判他们死刑。He imprisoned the hapless blood elf soldiers in the dungeons of Dalaran and sentenced them to death.

每年死在AK冲锋枪枪口下的非洲人民成千上万,在这当中只有一小部分是死于战争。Only a small share of the thousands of hapless Africans killed every year by Kalashnikovs die in war.

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他在这个故事中扮演了很重要的作用,但他看起来更像是一个不起眼儿的不幸的陪衬。Ms. Chua’s husband plays a large role in this story, even if he is made to sound like her hapless foil.

现在他正运用他获得的那些信息来满足自己的虐待狂欲望,代价是倒霉的杨柳树无辜受难。Now he's using that information to satisfy his sadistic tendencies at the expense of that hapless willow.

你不幸的同事笔友会觉得他的计算机已拥有或破坏性的病毒感染。Your hapless co-worker pal will think his computer has been possessed or infected by a destructive virus.