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黑子半影具有旋涡结构。There is the spiral structure in the sunspot penumbra.

另外,提出了亮度步长的方法来检测阴影中的半影。In additional, the luminance step is applied to detect the penumbra.

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对于新生儿HIE中半暗带的研究,现还处于初级阶段。Itisstill in the primary stage of the penumbra study in neonate with HIE.

对于新生儿HIE中半暗带的研究,现还处于初级阶段。It is still in the primary stage of the penumbra study in neonate with HLE.

通过甲苯胺蓝染色、焦油紫染色并利用图像分析仪测量半影区面积。The area of the penumbra was measured and analyzed with an image analysis system.

结果小鼠均出现成熟缺血核心区和半暗区。Results Well defined ischemic core and penumbra area appeared in each experimental animal.

半影球员发现自己在一个地下基地,对格陵兰岛,寻找他失去了父亲。In Penumbra the player finds himself in an underground base on Greenland, searching for his lost father.

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当黑子接近日面西边缘时,向中心一方的半影没有消失的趋势。When the spot approaches the west limb, the penumbra toward the disk-center has no tendency to disappear.

使用遗传算法对叶片端面形状进行了优化设计,使端面产生的半影大小和一致性得以改善。Genetic algorithm is utilized to optimize the leaf end shape to improve the size and uniformity of leaf-end penumbra.

新的影像学技术有助于判断缺血半暗带和选择适合溶栓的病例。New imaging techniques are helpful in identifying ischemic penumbra and the selection of patients for thrombolytic therapy.

因此,DWI中的半影区和梗死的区别并不十分清楚,因为在这两方面DWI信号都会增加。Therefore, the discrimination between penumbra and infarct core by DWI is not always clear, because DWI signal increases in both sides.

尽管耶鲁现在更富有知识界精华和知识分子,但是仍然笼罩在淡淡的老清教主义的服务精神的气氛中。Yale is more of a meritocracy and more intellectual now, but a faint penumbra of the old " puritanical imperatives of service" remains.

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现在,作为APA的主席,我认为有一大串的问题仍在半影中,我们现在光照中有足够的东西来将其它的东西拽如入光照中。Now as APA president, I think there is a set of problems in the penumbra that we now have enough in the light to be able to drag them into the light.

首先基于阴影图提出了一种用添加的平滑面构造半影纹理的新方法,并叙述了如何用该半影纹理构造伪软阴影。First, it gave a new method to construct the smooth edges for the penumbra texture, and talked about how to create soft shadows with these smooth edges.

但由于整个月球会经过地球的半影,在接近月偏食时,月球会明显较暗。However, as the entire moon will cross the penumbra partial shadow of the earth, it will appear significantly dimmer around the time of partial eclipse.

确定缺血半影区的能力,可以帮助临床医师采用最优化治疗,同时降低在三小时时间窗后治疗的潜在并发症。The ability to determine ischemic penumbra may allow clinicians to optimize therapy while decreasing potential complications of therapy past the 3-h window.

脑缺血后,及时恢复缺血区脑组织的血液供应,尤其是缺血半暗带区的血液供应,对于缺血性脑血管病的治疗与预后意义重大。To recover blood supply of brain tissue in ischemic region especially in ischemic penumbra in time, it will have great significance in treating and prognosis.

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结论海风藤可改善犬脑干对缺血的耐受程度,减小半暗带的范围,减轻病变的程度。Conclusions Piper Willichii can improve the tolerance of the dog on brainstem ischemia, decrease the range of ischemia penumbra and lighten the degree of pathological changes.

磁共振的功能成像的综合应用在确认半暗带是否存在、缺血缺氧治疗时间窗的把握和脑细胞营养保护药的个体化应用等方而极占优势。By combining MR diffusion, perfusion and spectroscopy, it would have the ability to identify the penumbra and definite the time window, and have great impact on treatment decisions.

对存在缺血半暗带患者给予动脉溶栓治疗,并分别于溶栓前、溶栓后即刻、溶栓后3周和3个月进行NIHSS评分,以评估近期及远期疗效。Where ischemic penumbra existed, the intra-arterial thrombolysis was administered. It was assessed by NIHSS score before and after thrombolytic therapy at the 3rd week and the 3rd month.