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广西芳香植物极为丰富。Guangxi is rich in aromatic plants.

香料烟是一种芳香型烟叶。Oriental tobacco is an aromatic leaf.

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红花以水浸至出香味。Soak saffron in water until aromatic.

烹调中常使用芳香植物。Aromatic plants are often used in cooking.

禁用“可分解芳香胺染料”。Disable "decomposable aromatic amine dyes."

我闭目在经殿的香雾中。I closed my eyes in the temple aromatic mist.

本品不宜与芳烃类溶剂接触。Not suited in contact with aromatic solvents.

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花椒是以其辣味和芳香味为主。Pepper its spicy and aromatic flavor is based.

它的茎、叶都含有挥发芳香油。It stems, leaves contain volatile aromatic oil.

留兰香是多年生草本芳香植物。Metha spicata L. is a perennial aromatic plant.

喝下那最香浓的青稞酒呀。Drinking the most aromatic highland barley wine.

芳香剂瓶设有喷头。The sprinkler is provided with the aromatic flask.

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煮好的大麦应该是嫩嫩的,炖汤应该是散发着香气的。The barley should be tender and the broth aromatic.

满是野菜香的浓绿卤汁。Full of wild veggie aromatic is the deep green juice.

侧链芳香性氨基酸残基大多数暴露在分子表面。Most of aromatic residues are exposed on the surface.

常用兰花爽身粉,令您芳香迷人。Orchid talcum powder makes you attractively aromatic.

芳香油是一种神秘礼物性质。The aromatic oil is a mysterious present from nature.

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这些隐藏在香浓的泡沫之下的担心,有没有确凿的证据呢?Are there grounds for concern under the aromatic froth?

新鲜烘制的饼干,脆脆的表层更带香味。The freshly baked Cookies, crispy texture and aromatic.

炊烟带着诱人的香味袅袅上升,随风飘荡。The aromatic smoke of cooking fires floated lazily aloft.