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评论者格里克在我关于凯恩斯的文章下说的很好Commenter Greg has a good point on my Keynes post

最后,评论家Kyle认为这确实是一个全民的游戏。In the end, commenter Kyle proposed that it's really anyone's game.

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但是YouTube上的一位评论者却特别表达了对于谷歌广告无可置疑的期望。But one YouTube commenter in particular was undoubtedly what Google had been hoping for.

有一条意见对安检人员要求他掏出包里的所有电线和电子装置表示不满。One commenter complained of being made to take every cord and electronic item out of his bags.

但是他最初却指出,在学术上有作为的人很多都来自贫困家庭。But his first commenter points out that many people from poor backgrounds are academic achievers.

“他过着许多人都期望过的生活,”一位网友在“赤脚大盗”网页留言。"He was living life the way a lot of people wish, " one commenter on the "Barefoot Bandit" page wrote.

不过你会相信谁,是网上不负责任的随便一条评论,还是网上一群写笑话的家伙的忠告?But who are you going to trust, a random internet commenter or the advice of a team of internet comedy writers?

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一名网民说这名老人根本不需要别人让座,因为他都有力气打人了。One commenter said that the elderly man could not have needed a seat since he had enough energy to 'beat people up'.

正如评论者Li指出,如果你把亚马逊网站的设置中将“最高收费限额”设为0,那么所有你已经发过邮件的电子书都被发送到免费地址。As commenter Li notes, if you set your “Max Charge Limit” to 0, all your emailed books will be sent to the free address.

版权相关的法律中没有要求博客作者或是评论者在他们对原文的引述中加入原始标签信息。Nothing in copyright law requires a blogger or commenter to include the meta-tags if they use an excerpt in a blog post.

我曾经写信给评论家马克问他如何营造平和放松的工作日,而他给我的建议促成了这篇文章。This article came from a suggestion from commenter Mark, after I wrote about ways to create a peaceful, relaxed workday.

就像让食品和药物管理局要求药品公司自行测试新药物的安全性和有效性——一位批评者指出。Or having the Food and Drug Administration let drug companies test the safety and efficacy of new drugs, one commenter points out.

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“王宝强是个出身农村的勤快人。她欺骗了一个城市的好人,我讨厌这种人,”一名微博网友评论道。"Wang is a hardworking man from a rural area. She cheated an honest man. I hate these kinds of people, " said one commenter on weibo.

“王宝强是个出身农村的勤快人。她欺骗了一个诚实的好人,我讨厌这种人,”一名微博网友评论道。"Wang is a hardworking man from a rural area. She cheated an honest man. I hate these kinds of people, " said one commenter on weibo.

新华网房地产论坛的一位网民写道,我发现我们自己的生活就像剧中描写的一样,一切都暴露在了阳光下。Another commenter on Xinhua's property forum wrote, 'I found our own lives depicted in this drama, everything is exposed under the sunlight.

新华网房地产论坛的一位网民写道,我发现我们自己的生活就像剧中描写的一样,一切都暴露在了阳光下。Another commenter on Xinhua's property forum wrote, 'I found our own lives depicted in this drama, everything is exposed under the sunlight.

代码注释器外接程序可以利用可自定义模板,将注释和头自动添加到过程中,从而创建注释良好的代码。Use the Code Commenter Add-in to create well-commented code by automatically adding comments and headers to procedures using customizable templates.

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“为政府逐步建立黑名单,直至它公平,”在新浪微博网站署名为岳晓思的一则评论写道。"Work up a black list for the government, then its fair, " one commenter writing under the name Xiaosi Dake said on the microbbloging site Sina Weibo.

最近一些关于可能观察到玻色子的谣言来源于一条摘要,这条摘要来自于数学家彼得·沃特博客中周四发表的一则匿名评论。The latest rumours of its possible sighting come from an abstract that was posted by an anonymous commenter on mathematician Peter Woit's blog on Thursday.

一个用户在他的评论中引述了丹麦籍天线专家本月早些时候的文章,称作者已经预测到这种天线会影响信息接受。One commenter linked to an article from early this month about a Danish expert in radio antennas who predicted that touching the antenna would affect reception.