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铸币税就在这里发挥作用。That is where seigniorage comes in.

基金享有发钞利润。Fund enjoys the seigniorage of the currency notes.

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铸币税是一些政府机构的便捷的财政收入来源。Seigniorage is a convenient source of revenue for some governments.

今年,欧洲央行从铸币税中获得的利益正变得越来越重要。The ECB's gains from seigniorage are becoming increasingly important this year.

这么多年来,中国在世界货币市场上,是缴纳铸币税较多的国家之一。Over the years, China in the world currency market is paying more Seigniorage one of the countries.

所以印刷储备货币的政府可以通过向其他国家征收铸币税受益。Governments that print reserve currencies benefit from extending seigniorage beyond their own borders.

现代经济制度下,铸币税是指中央银行的货币发行所获得的利润。Under the modern economic system, seigniorage refers to the profit gained from the Central Bank's money issuing.

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铸币税产生于对央行的货币需求,这种需求产生财富分配效应。It is the money demand of central bank, which causes the effect of wealth distribution that results in seigniorage.

但可以想象,美国从世界货币市场上总计获得的铸币税必是天文数字。But can imagine, the United States from the world currency market gained a total of Seigniorage will be astronomical.

在面临通货膨胀威胁时,必须适当放慢货币供应速度,减少铸币收入。Facing the threat of inflation, we should slow down the speed of money supply appropriately, reducing the seigniorage.

理论证明,在通货膨胀严重时期,减少铸币税可以有效缓解通货膨胀。Theories prove that reducing the seigniorage can alleviate the inflation effectively in the period of serious inflation.

因此,货币的发行者享有整个铸币税的利润,而不必以票面价值购回已经发行的,并且经使用磨损的货币。Thus the issuer of the currency keeps the whole seigniorage profit, by not having to buy worn out issued currency back at face value.

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本文考察了储备需求所增加的铸币收益在货币内生增长模型中的增长效应。A monetary endogenous growth model is well developed by taking into account the growth-enhancing effects of reserve-augmenting seigniorage.

在我们经济水平较低的情况下,我们只能向美国、欧盟及其他一些国家缴纳铸币税。At a lower level of our economic circumstances, we can only to the United States, the European Union and some other countries to pay Seigniorage.

在这样的背景下,本文提出在弥补赤字时不仅可以使用国债,而且还可以使用铸币税和外汇储备来作为弥补赤字的工具。Under such background, we can say while covering the deficit we can not only use the national debt but also the seigniorage and foreign exchange reserve.

为消除潜在的金融风险,保持最优铸币税的有效性,必须加强中央银行的独立性。In order to eliminate potential financial risk, it is necessary to keep the efficiency of optimal seigniorage and reinforce the independence of central bank.

可以像欧盟一样,一方面减少向别人缴纳铸币税,一方面逐步从别人那里获取铸币税。Can be the same as in the European Union, on the one hand to reduce the pay Seigniorage to others, on the one hand, step by step to obtain from others Seigniorage.

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我们增加外汇储备的过程、用美元等外汇做结算工具的过程就是向这些国家缴纳铸币税的过程。We are the process of increasing foreign exchange reserves, U. S. dollars and other foreign exchange tools to do the process of settlement is paid to those countries Seigniorage process.

人民币履行国际货币职能,也承担国际货币的义务,同时也可以获得国际货币“铸币税”的收益。When RMB performs the functions of international currency, it will not only assume the obligation of international currency, but also get "seigniorage" revenue of the international currency.

张宇燕认为,世界货币的最大好处是可以获得铸币税收益,人民币国际化无疑可以分享这一好处。Zhang Yuyan believe that the currency of the world's largest, is entitled to the benefits of seigniorage revenue, the internationalization of the RMB will no doubt be the sharing of the benefits.