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对于病情很重的患者,我们也确实在使用泼尼松进行治疗。I am kind of a born-again Prednisone person and I used to not use it that much.

刺五加注射液联合强的松治疗ITP疗效可靠。It has reliable effect to treat ITP with Acanthopanex Injection and Prednisone.

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目的建立醋酸泼尼松片的含量测定方法。Objective To establish a method for determination of prednisone acetate tablets.

用强的松治疗下腰背部疼痛有好处吗?Is there any benefit to the use of prednisone in the treatment of lower back pain?

她是一个小的女人,但过多的体重因慢性强的松使用。She is a small woman but with excessive body weight due to chronic Prednisone use.

目的建立HPLC法测定醋酸泼尼松片的含量。Objective To establish an HPLC method for the determination of prednisone acetate tablets.

类固醇药物如强的松可以控制痛风引起得炎症和疼痛。Steroid. Steroid medicaitons, such as the drug prednisone may controll gout, inflammation and pain.

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方法对42例难治性肾病综合征采用雷公藤多甙联合强的松治疗。MethodTreat refractory nephrosis syndrome 42 cases with Tripterygium Wilfordii and Prednisone jointly.

观察泼尼松龙硬膜外给药对脊柱手术术后疼痛的影响。To observe the effects of extradural prednisone injected for postoperative analgesia in spinal column surgery.

目的对泼尼松与促皮质素导致脑损伤的机制进行初步探讨。Objective To explore the possible pathogenesis of brain damage in rats induced by prednisone or corticotrophin.

同样地,每日使用固定剂量的强体松是进行免疫接种的禁忌症。Similarly, the use of daily prednisone at certain doses may be a contraindication to vaccination, he pointed out.

目的观察泼尼松龙硬膜外给药对脊柱手术术后疼痛的影响。Objective To observe the effects of extradural prednisone injected for postoperative analgesia in spinal column surgery.

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婴儿血管瘤生长迅速,或累及重要器官,或伴有血小板或出血倾向,可服强的松。Baby hemangioma grow rapid, or involving the important organ, or with platelet or bleeding tendency, can take prednisone.

皮质激素常以药片服下。泼尼松是在这些状况下最常用的皮质激素药物。Corticosteroids are usually taken as pills. Prednisone is the corticosteroid drug most commonly used in these conditions.

介绍了用HPLC对醋酸泼尼松发酵液中的底物醋酸可的松和产物醋酸泼尼松的含量进行测定的方法。A method for the determination of substrate cortisone acetate and product prednisone acetate in the culture by HPLC was developed.

本文利用一阶导数高速脉冲极谱法定量分析醋酸泼尼松及其制剂。The first derivative high-speed pulse polarography was developed for the determination of the prednisone acetate and its preparation.

目的观察卵巢癌患者化疗时口服强的松对紫杉醇引起的关节痛和肌痛的缓解效果。ObjectiveTo observe the effect of oral prednisone to relieve paclitaxel-induced arthralgia and myalgia in patients with ovarian cancer.

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在母乳喂养期间使用会更少些,因为强的松可能导致婴儿的一些免疫系统发育抑制。Use during breastfeeding is a little less clear, as prednisone might cause some suppression in the developing immune system of the newborn.

对于不适合大剂量治疗的多发性骨髓瘤患者,他们的标准治疗方案是马法兰加泼尼松。Background The standard treatment for patients with multiple myeloma who are not candidates for high-dose therapy is melphalan and prednisone.

结论更昔洛韦联合强的松能有效改善急性特发性面神经麻痹的预后,无明显不良反应。Conclusion Ganciclovi with prednisone can improve the neurological function impairment of acute facial palsy, without obvious adverse reaction.