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我是乔正在抽筋的腹股沟。I am Joe's Shrinking Groin.

他用膝盖猛撞攻击者的下身。He kneed his attacker in the groin.

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谢莉用膝盖去撞攻击者的下身。Shelly kneed her attacker in the groin.

这时,你的手应该会在鼠蹊部的位置。Your hand should be covering your groin.

这个拉伸可以拉伸你腹股沟周围的肌肉。This will stretch the muscles around the groin.

牙齿同腹股沟和腋窝一样重要。Teeth are as important as the groin and armpits.

应该使用热的敷布敷在患者的胸部与腹股沟部。Instead , apply warm compresses to the neck , chest wall and groin.

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那年,一次洗澡的时候,股腹沟里的一个小疙瘩痛得让我差点崩溃。That year, I collapsed in the shower with a painful lump in my groin.

我做了半月板手术,我整修了我的腹股沟。I had my meniscus surgery and I rehabbed my groin last year in Indiana.

而当他系上那胀了水的腰带时,我胯下突然感到一股死亡般的寒意。As he buckled the swollen belt suddenly my groin felt the chill of death.

妇女可以用脚趾尖前踢在腹股沟罢工攻击。Women can use a pointed toe front kick to strike an attacker in the groin.

这名黑帮在臀腹部严重受伤后终于停了下来。The gang member then stopped with a serious wound in the buttocks and groin.

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膝撞下阴,持续攻击直到你已经彻底安全!Knee to the Groin and Keep the pressure on! Keep fighting until you are safe!

突然间一阵剧痛如同一根针刺穿了他的脖子直到下腹。Suddenly a pain stabbed through him like a needle from his neck to his groin.

如腹股沟襞、脐沟、腋下襞等部位。Such as groin patieats, periumbilical ditch, armpit areas such as the patieats.

当你洗身体时,只关注重点部位,也就是腹股沟和腋窝。When you wash your body, just hit the hot spots, i.e., your groin and underarms.

婴儿一般出在脖子和胸部,有时也会出现在腹股沟部位。Babies tend to get them on their necks and chests, and sometimes their groin area.

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如果你看到电影里有人阴部被踢中,你自己可能也会绷紧一下。If you see somebody being kicked in the groin in a movie, you might yourself tense up.

这一次,他是在腹股沟kneed和耳后打,因为他疼痛超过一倍。This time he was kneed in the groin and hit behind the ear as he doubled over in pain.

相扑士可以拽拉对手的化妆围裙,但不能拽拉裆部的布带。Each may grab and pull his opponent's mawashi belt, but not the strap girding the groin.