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等一下,不要做出反应。Wait Arno , don't react.

还包括其他一些著名的河流,如台伯河、阿迪杰河以及亚诺河。Other well-known rivers include the Tiber, Adige and Arno.

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阿雷佐意大利中部一个城市,位于在佛罗伦萨东南阿尔诺河岸。A city of central Italy on the Arno River southeast of Florence.

意大利西部的一座城市,位于第勒尼安海附近的阿诺河沿岸。A city of western Italy on the Arno River near the Tyrrhenian Sea.

这个教堂是巴士之旅途中的一站。The Ognissanti is a beautiful church on the other side of the Arno river.

向西流去的亚诺河穿过图片的中心——城镇的中心。The west-flowing Arno runs through the middle of the image—and the middle of town.

这篇文章是克里斯蒂安•阿诺就为什么学习另一种外语应排在任务清单首位这一话题而作的客座文章。This is a guest post from Christian Arno on why learning second language should be top of your to-do list.

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彭齐亚斯和罗伯特.威尔森发现一束穿越天空的微弱的微波辉光。In 1963 researchers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson of Bell Labs discovered a faint microwave glow across the sky.

别墅在这里俯瞰着山坡,下面是亚诺河漫长的河谷,弥漫着意大利绚丽多采的烟雾。In that quarter the villa overhung the slope of its hill and the long valley of the arno hazy with italian colour.

大约在公元前59年,凯撒为他的部队里的老兵在富饶的亚诺河谷建立了殖民地。Around the year 59 BC, Julius Caesar established a settlement for his veteran troops in the fertile river valley of the Arno.

阿尔诺·弘卡达和贝尔特·丹卡尔特两位艺术家参加的研讨会将在开幕当天下午举办。A symposium featuring two of the artists, Arno Roncada and Bert Dackaert, will take place in the afternoon of the opening day.

当初为了融入一个全新的城市,体验一种与以往不同的生活和工作,尼柯乐士来到了北京。More than 6 years ago, Arno Nicolussi-Moretto arrived in Beijing for a new experience, a change in lifestyle and a different type of work.

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它主要是一个旅游中心,在一个能俯瞰阿姆河和佛罗伦萨城的小山上建有别墅和花园。It is primarily a tourist center, with villas and gardens on a hill overlooking the Arno River and the city of Florence. Population, 14,774.

作为一个异乡人在青岛住了两年以后,尼柯乐士对这座城市的感情日益加深,并十分看好它的发展前景。It is designed as one of Qingdao's topnotch clubs. After two years in Qingdao, Arno loves the city more, and is very enthusiastic about its future.

那是我们为制造冰酒最晚的一次采摘,阿诺·斯克尔兹说。他的家族从1783年开始种植葡萄,而且酿造冰酒也有年历史了。That was our latest harvest ever for Eiswein , says Arno Schales, whose family has grown Riesling since 1783 and has made Eiswein for the past 50 years.

特别挑选此河做背景是因为他知之甚深,即使马基雅维利攻打比萨的计谋失败后,仍然久久沉迷其中。Da Vinci selected the Arno River for the painting specifically because he knew it well enough to obsess over it long after the plot with Machiavelli failed.

这些雕像,是希特勒最喜爱的雕刻家布雷克最新且全面的展览内容之一。These are among the items on display at a comprehensive new exhibition of works by Adolf Hitler's favourite sculptor, Arno Breker. The exhibition runs until October 22.

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阿尔诺·彭齐亚斯和罗伯特·威尔逊在1965年发现了宇宙微波背景辐射,这使得大爆炸理论在科学界获得了广泛支持。The theory of the big bang gained widespread support in the scientific community after Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered cosmic microwave background radiation in 1965.

大多数人觉得那是里奥纳多想象出来的,但是越来越多的证据表示蒙娜丽莎背后的背景其实是达芬奇根据自己儿时的记忆创作出来的自己曾经生活过的地方——亚诺河河谷。Most people assume that this was a product of Leonardo's fertile imagination, but there's increasing evidence it was inspired by the landscape of his childhood, the Arno Valley.

右转便将游客带入佛罗伦萨最著名的户外风景区韦奇奥桥,此桥横跨亚诺河上,桥上自1593年便设有成排的珠宝店和金匠铺子。A right turn brings visitors to one of Florence's famous outdoor sights, the Ponte Vecchio. This bridge over the Arno River has been lined with jewelry shops and goldsmiths since 1593.