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并不完美,但理解。Not perfect, but intelligible.

他的翻译通顺易懂。His interpretation is coherent and intelligible.

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不要生造谁也不懂的术语。Do not coin terms that are intelligible to nobody.

诗人和其作品使自然可触。In the poet and in his work nature grows intelligible.

达尔文的语言无论对专家还是非专业人士而言都明白易懂。The language of Darwin was intelligible to experts and non-experts alike.

大家总是觉得否认上帝远较否认世界为更可以理解。A denial of God seems so much more intelligible than a denial of the world.

只因自由让我成为了智思世界的一员。Only because the idea of freedom makes me a member of an intelligible world.

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他对人说话,总是满口之乎者也,叫人半懂不懂的。He used so many archaisms in his speech that half of it was barely intelligible.

这完全是一个理性的,可以理解的过程,但是依然那么不可思议。It is an entirely rational, intelligible process but no less miraculous for that.

至少,我猜他说出了这几个字,虽然他的声音是难以听清的。I guessed he uttered those words, at least, though his voice was hardly intelligible.

我希望能弄清楚自己的个人品行,相信这个要求并不为过!Surely it is not asking very much to wish that my personal conduct be intelligible to me!

现在我们很容易看清楚,不同生产方式之间的冲突。Now the difference is very clearly intelligible in terms of a conflict of modes of production.

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还存在着一个理智能够认识的可知世界,它是真理的源泉。There is also a intelligible world which could be known by dianoia , it is the source of episteme.

这些惯例存在于一个有差别的系统中,这就让符号变得有意义了。Whatever the convention is within a system of differences, that's what makes the sign intelligible.

这种相似性无可非议地包括使用人类的语言的能力。This likeness unquestionably included the ability to engage in intelligible speech via human language.

在嘈杂的世界发现明白易懂的信息的能力在未来有很大的价值。The ability to find intelligible information in a very noisy world will be of great value in the future.

你们知道我承认物质的现实性只是为了能让你们懂得我的意思。You know I granted the reality of matter only in order to make myself intelligible to your understanding.

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人不仅属于“感知的”世界,而且属于一个他称为“概念的”或“本体的”世界。Man belongs not only to the "sensible" world, but also to a world he called "intelligible" or " noumenal ".

文章通过印象派对光、色彩和构图的新理解,具体分析印象派来使这一理论得到较为详细的说明。I want to analyze the new views of light, color and picture composition and make them clear and intelligible.

本研究目的在探讨听辨呐吃语音的熟悉效应及其影响因素。Dysarthric speech is often more intelligible to listeners who are familiar with the speaker than to those are not.