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你将进入空巢家庭状态。Then you will be "empty nested".

他在地边搭了个窝篷。He nested himself near his field.

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燕子在屋檐下筑巢。The swallows nested under the eaves.

修复无效的嵌套和未封闭标记。Fix Invalidly Nested and Unclosed Tags.

处理嵌套映射的错误方法Incorrect way to handle nested mappings

她把玻璃酒杯一个套一个放在箱子里。She nested the glass tumblers in a crate.

介绍了一种新型嵌套式螺杆挤出机。A novel nested screw extruder was introduced.

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事务可以由一个嵌套到另一个中。Transactions can be nested one inside another.

唯一有趣的是现在是一个嵌套循环。The only interesting thing now is a nested loop.

这也就是说,存在嵌套的容器类型。This means that there are nested container types.

本文进行了一项队列内病例对照研究。A case control study nested in cohort was conducted.

定义指定其名称和属性的巢状型别。Defines a nested type, given its name and attributes.

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于是所有的子单元都会自动称为非共享的。All the nested subunits automatically become unshared.

说明巢状型别宣告所禁止的编辑。Describes prohibited edits of nested type declarations.

如果遇到嵌套的元素就会抛出异常。It throws an exception if it finds any nested elements.

请注意从这里我们可以,看出IF是可以嵌套的。And notice what this is showing is that the IFs can be nested.

在TDT中,你可以看到嵌套数据的两个测试动作块。In the TDT you'll see two test action blocks with nested data.

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这可以是任意对象,甚至可以具有一个深度嵌套的结构。This can be any object, even one with a deep nested structure.

您始终可以将嵌套查询转换成等价的连接。You can always convert a nested query into an equivalent join.

我们蜷伏在我们小小的房间里,听着外面喧杂的声音。We nested in our little room and listened to the sounds outside.