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西沙必利较胃复安药效更好、更安全。Cisapride is better and safe than metoclopramide.

象希望的一样,胃复安并没有同其它的负面效果联系起来。As expected, metoclopramide was not associated with other serious side effects.

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在几个欧洲国家,胃复安是治疗妊娠呕吐的止呕药。Metoclopramide is the antiemetic drug of choice in pregnancy in several European countries.

然而,对于某些病人,当停止服用甲氧氯普胺后其症状可以部分或完全缓解。However, in some patients, symptoms may lessen or resolve after metoclopramide treatment is stopped.

他们发现胃复安比达哌啶醇能更快速地镇定呕吐和恶心的症状。They found that metoclopramide worked faster to quell symptoms of nausea and vomiting than droperidol.

近期的产品标签已对长期应用甲氧氯普胺可导致迟发型运动障碍的风险提出警示。Current product labeling warns of the risk of tardive dyskinesia with chronic metoclopramide treatment.

胃复安施加通过拮抗中枢和外周多巴胺受体的止吐效果。Metoclopramide exerts its antiemetic effects by antagonizing central and peripheral dopamine receptors.

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结果本组高剂量灭吐灵配合其它药物对顺铂引起呕吐的疗效接近于其它报道的疗效。Results The effect of HD metoclopramide combining with other drugs is similar to that of other reports.

胃复安也增加了较低的GERD的食管括约肌静息管理的基调。Metoclopramide also increases the resting tone of the lower esophageal sphincter for the management of GERD.

胃复安促进胃排空的同时可以增加食道下端括约肌张力。Metoclopramide increases the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter as well as facilitating gastric emptying.

目的评价胃复安治疗功能性消化不良的疗效和安全性。Objective To evaluated the clinical efficacy and safety of metoclopramide in the treatment of functional dyspepsia.

该方法可用于对制药废水、片剂和针剂中甲氧氯普胺含量的测定。The method can be used for the determination of metoclopramide in pharmaceutical waste water, tablets and injections.

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采用V-C水平扩散池研究几种透皮促渗剂对甲氧氯普胺穿透完整小鼠皮肤的作用。V-C horizontal diffusion cell was used to measure the transfer of metoclopramide across intact abdominal mouse skin in vitro.

科学家们比较了常用标准药达哌啶醇和新药胃复安的服用。The scientists compared use of the standard drug droperidol versus the administration of a newer medication called metoclopramide.

在美国胃复安已用于治疗严重的孕吐,它通常以Reglan的名称进行销售。Metoclopramide is already used to treat severe morning sickness in the United States, where it is commonly sold under the brand name Reglan.

病情的进展与患者服用胃复安的时间和剂量成正相关。The development of this condition is directly related to the length of time a patient is taking metoclopramide and the number of doses taken.

甲氧氯普胺通过促进胃肌肉的蠕动以增加胃向小肠排空的速率起作用。Metoclopramide works by speeding up the movement of the stomach muscles, thus increasing the rate at which the stomach empties into the intestines.

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所述的止吐药剂为格拉司琼、昂丹司琼、托烷司琼、阿瑞匹坦或甲氧氯普胺。The compound preparation is prepared from the rolipram and the granisetron, the ondansetron, the tropisetron, the aprepitant or the metoclopramide.

胃复安对乙酰胆碱敏感组织无刺激,刺激胃,胆管,胰腺分泌物或上消化道蠕动。Metoclopramide sensitizes tissues to acetylcholine to stimulate upper GI tract motility without stimulating gastric, biliary, or pancreatic secretions.

目的对比观察甲磺酸托烷司琼与甲氧氯普胺两组药物控制化疗引起的胃肠道反应的疗效及其不良反应。Objective To compare and observe the effects of Tropisetron Mesylate and Metoclopramide in the prevention of chemotherapy-induced digestive side effects.