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这个装置的其中一部分是能量收集器。One part of this device is an energy harvester.

企业新闻二,本厂收割机再次销售到哈尔滨。News Second, re-sold to harvester factory in Harbin.

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当使用时,采集器还会放射出一团明亮的紫色光辉。When in use, the Harvester also radiated a bright purple glow.

其参数可作为青贮饲料收获机的设计依据。The parameters provide a basis on designing ensilage harvester.

“好一件奇异的镌刻!”受饿的穿着背心的收割者说。What a marvelous carving! " the starving harvester in vest said."

本发明公开了一种收割机上拨禾轮用的升降装置。The invention discloses a lifting device for a reel of a harvester.

闪电柱最常用的地方是矿车骚扰。The most common use for the lightning spike is harvester harrassment.

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使用能量收割者吸取并击败50名敌人。Defeat 50 enemies by siphoning their health away with Energon Harvester.

采集器被他的炮火击坏,这也导致了收割器的崩坏。The Harvester fell to his blasterfire, which caused the Reaper to collapse.

单级采矿器I和冰矿采集器I蓝图都已在市场中生成。Strip Miner I and Ice Harvester I blueprints have been seeded on the market.

青饲料的收获从1960年开始,就以青饲料联合收获机进行。The green fodder has been harvested by the green fodder harvester since 1960.

文章是关于激光测平技术在收盐机应用的方案设计。A laser land leveling technology is application in the harvester in the paper.

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奥斯卡的两只后腿不小心被一台联合收割机截断。Both of Oscar's hind legs were accidentally chopped off in a combine harvester.

其目的是为进一步加快黑龙江省青贮玉米收获机械的发展献计献策。The aim is to offer advice for the further development of silage maize harvester.

该病毒是一种十分有效的光线收集机,还附带着卟啉。The virus is a very efficient harvester of light, with these porphyrins attached.

因此,与传统电池不同,这种能量收割机从来没有需要充电。So unlike a traditional battery, this energy harvester never needs to be recharged.

重用工程团队也可以担任进行硬编码的角色,从而交付服务。Reuse engineering teams can also take on the harvester role and deliver the services.

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本实用新型公开了一种半喂入式联合收割机的立式割台。The utility model discloses a vertical header of a semi-feed type combined harvester.

油菜籽的分离与清选是油菜联合收割机的一个重要工作过程。The separation and cleaning of rapeseeds is a very important task for a RapeseedCombine Harvester.

微型联合收割机,插秧机,作为山区的田间稻谷的收割和秧苗的插下。This invention provides harvester and transplanter which are suitable for farmland of mountain area.