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你的脚趾被卡住了?Get your toe stuck?

直尖帽脚趾。Straight tip cap toe.

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杏仁形露趾。Almond-shaped open toe.

鞋头可以做成皮革吗?Can toe cap be leather?

哎哟,我踢伤脚趾头了。Ouch! I stubbed my toe.

领引脚趾点转寄。Lead toe points forward.

抓住老虎的脚趾头。Catch a tiger by the toe.

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使用你的脚趾尖。Place your toe tips only.

我脚趾应该带什么戒指?What toe ring should I buy?

蝾螈之眼田鸡趾。Eye of newt, and toe of frog.

他开始按摩她的大脚指头。He starts to rub her big toe.

他在她面前碰了一鼻子灰。He stubbed his toe before her.

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那我每根脚趾上都会留下一个痂。I'll have a scab on every toe.

大趾有两节趾骨。The big toe has two phalanges.

我感觉到医生碰我的脚指头。I felt the doctor touch my toe.

我想在脚指甲上涂上指甲油。I want to varnish my toe nails.

我确信他会听从命令的。I'm sure he would toe the line.

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雷德曼在训练中折断了一根脚趾。Redman broke a toe in training.

对不起,我踩著你的脚了吧?Sorry, did I tread on your toe?

我的脚趾顶着鞋尖。My toe presses against the shoe.