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基督教信仰却通过‘重新定位’解决了这一历史难题。Christianity answers this historical challenge by reorientation.

英语教师的角色再定位要注意四个方面。Four aspects should be paid attention to in the role reorientation of teachers of English.

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在这一方面,它是相当有好处的,因为它让你对事情都重新定位。In this respect, it will be liberating because it offers you a total reorientation to things.

这说明分子在飞秒泪光场中发生了空间淮直和重新定位。This indicates that the spatial alignment and reorientation of molecule in laser field has occurred.

每个竞赛图只通过一条弧的改向而转变为双向连通竞赛图。Every tournament can be transformed into a diconnected tournament by the reorientation of just one arc.

分航迹变向和机头指向目标两类问题对飞机过失速机动进行数值优化研究。Post stall maneuvers were optimized with a mission coverage of flight path reorientation and target pointing.

侧斜仪绘图结果显示,大多数重复压裂井都出现了裂缝重新定向。Tiltmeter mapping results indicate that majority of re-fracture treatment wells appear fracture reorientation.

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如果我们的司法改革有什么深层次的变化,那么首先从是对事实及其客观性理解的重新定位开始。If there would be deep reform on judicial system, it should start from reorientation of fact and its objectivity.

方向键左右可以控制郭靖向对应的方向调整射击角度,按下空格键即可射箭。Key control Guo Jing around to the corresponding reorientation angle of the shot, press the space bar can archery.

通过高速摄影机观察了液体重定位的全过程并测量了重定位流速和重定位时间。Liquid reorientation is observed by means of a high-speed camera. Reorientation flow velocity and time are measured.

它不过是重定位和规范化大多数优秀软件架构师已经一直在做的事情。it is simply a reorientation and formalization of many of the things good software architects have been doing all along.

这里是以装配体在拆卸过程中具有最少的换向次数为优化目标。The minimal reorientation number of limes during the disassembling of assemblies is assigned as the optimizing objective.

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“乡镇企业与乡镇政府关系必须进行重新定位”,是本文的主旨所在。The reorientation of the relation between township enterprise and township government in China is the purport of this text.

NASA对行星探索的再定位是为了回应最近的国际研究会议的报告。The reorientation of NASA’s planetary exploration programs is in response to a recent National Research Council report card.

儿童的空间再定向指的是迷失方向的儿童在空间中重新确定自己方位并找回被藏物体的能力。Childrens spatial reorientation was the ability of reorienting themselves and finding the hidden object after disorientation.

这种让资金以市场为引导,重新分配,使资金从农业转移到工业和服务行业的做法已经在农村造成轩然大波。Market-dictated reorientation of funds from agriculture to industry and service sectors has triggered a gigantic rural crisis.

二是中国许多企业的经营状况还没有根本好转,仍主要靠政策的支撑。Many Chinese companies still rely on policy support. Furthermore, restructuring and the reorientation of the economic model take time.

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“在月亮的早期历史上,多次被碰撞后,可能经历了多次重新定位时期,”尼姆说。"The Moon probably underwent multiple reorientation episodes when it was being battered by impacts early in its history, " Nimmo said.

80年代中期有关“史学危机”的讨论是当代中国史学的一次自我反省和重新定位。In the midst of 80s, discussing "the crisis of historiography" is a autocriticism and reorientation of Chinese contemporary historiography.

在海关内部的会议传达中,两卡并一卡的收入“阳光化”是下一步的调整方向。At the conference for the customs offices, transforming the two cards into one card income in transparency is the next phase of reorientation.