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一种简单的基督教道德主义劝告人不要自私。A simple christian moralism counsels men to be unselfish.

第三,这种比喻性语言意味着对道德丰义的反拨。Thirdly, the metaphoric language means the counteraction of moralism.

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这一思想具有鲜明的启蒙意义,又具有明显的唯意志论倾向和浓厚的道德主义色彩。The thought has clearly enlightening meaning, obvious tendency of voluntarism and colors of moralism.

自治主义希望把审美价值从道德价值那里孤立出来,而道德主义看到这两种价值是密切联系在一起的。Autonomism wants aesthetic value to be isolated from ethical value, whereas Moralism sees them as more intimately related.

在儒家文化特质的影响下,民族主义与道德主义构成了东亚媒体的最为显著的特色。Under the influence of Confucian culture, nationalism and moralism constitute the most significant features of East Asia media.

因之,中国进行法治建设还面临着相当大的困难,不加判断地运用法律原则很可能会导致道德主义的泛滥。Thus, there are hudge difficulties of construction law in China, and applying Legal Principle without judgement will bring on flooding of moralism.

通过以上几个层次的分析,可以看出,荀子礼制的核心特征是等级差别,其礼治思想的基本精神是和谐、专制与道德主义。By the analysis above we can see that the core characteristic of Xunzi' rite is grade difference and the basic soul of it is harmony, autocracy and moralism.

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宗教道德主义的主要失误与宗教律法相同——试图以律法而非福音为内在力量与动因去改变人类的行为。The major failing of religious moralism is the same as that of religious legalism. It tries to change human behavior with law and not gospel motivation and power.

布克钦这种绕过资本主义国家制度和回避阶级斗争的生态社会重建,实则一种道德济世论的生态乌托邦。The ecological reconstruction of society of Bookchin, because bypass the capitalist system and avoid the class struggle, is really an ecological utopia of moralism.

宗教道德主义与宗教律法主义相仿,都试图抛开福音这一根本动因,靠自己来向世人“提供”某些良好的道德品行。Religious moralism is closely related to religious legalism. It is the mistaken attempt to produce good moral behavior without the motivation and power of the gospel.

基要主义者全权地运用他们的自主性来主张他们对基督教和道德主义的拣选,但是其核心的认信,从来就只是人全权的选择。The fundamentalists sovereignly exercised their autonomy to assert their election of Christianity and moralism but the core conviction has always been sovereign human choice.

三幅作品的顺序不那么重要,它们也并非说教式的象征性艺术作品,它们的存在完全是作为文化载体的人所具有的一类普遍性被动反映。The order of 'Road to Heaven' is that important, it is not another Moralism art work, it is more like a passiveness act from a man who is the carrier of culture as an existence.

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曾几何时,里根这个党呼吁的西方个人主义和有限政府理念不仅无法扩大国家规模,反而沦落为名镇南方各州的道德主义宣传工具。Somehow Ronald Reagan's party of western individualism and limited government has ended up not just increasing the size of the state but turning it into a tool of southern-fried moralism.

他的道德说教可谓包罗万象,激情澎湃.他计划创建以信仰为基础的慈善机构来代替国家福利事业,以滋养基督家庭的社会价值观.His moralism is all-encompassing and as passionate as can be. He plans to replace state welfare provision with faith-based charitable organisations that would impose Christian family values.