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预定义的过渡期结束后,使旧接口退役Decommission old interface after a pre-defined grace period

但是要数十年才能完全停止使用该核电站。But it could take decades to completely decommission the plant.

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微软则计划在今年底让老的服务器退居二线。Microsoft expects to decommission the older servers by the end of the year.

在新火化炉顺利运作后,拆卸现有的火葬场。Decommission the existing crematorium after the satisfactory commissioning of the new one.

因此,在海上油气开发的后期,对废弃平台的拆除工作必不可少。Therefore, the work to decommission platform is necessary in the evening of offshore oil industry.

台风级核潜艇也可能在没有替代的情况下直接退役。Even if they're retained until 2019, the Typhoons, too, could decommission without direct replacements.

日本将停止使用核反应堆在四个灾区受灾福岛核电厂,操作说。Japan is to decommission four stricken reactors at the quake-hit Fukushima nuclear plant, the operator says.

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对所有操作进行记录,并在以上操作完成和系统正常运行之后,替换旧系统。Document everything and only after above are complete and working properly, schedule decommission of the old system.

许可证持有人须依据本许可证B部的工程项目说明来解除指定工程项目的运作。The Permit Holder shall decommission the Designated Project in accordance with the project descriptions in Part B of this permit.

关于俄罗斯是否将很快退役它的三个巨大的台风级核动力弹道导弹潜艇的辩论来势汹汹。A debate is raging over whether Russia will soon decommission its three gigantic Typhoon-class nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarines.

综述了核设施的退役和去污,尤其是详细介绍核设施的化学去污方法和应用。This paper reviews technology in decommission and decontamination of the nuclear facility, chemical decontamination method is introduced important.

除了让现有服务退役之外,你的SDLC过程还需要有一个关于如何部署新服务和新服务版本的清晰模型。Your SDLC process needs to have a clear model for how to deploy new services and new versions of services, in addition to how to decommission existing services.

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专家正希望在年内完成损毁反应堆的“冷关机”。但是要数十年才能完全停止使用该核电站。The authorities are hoping to complete a "cold shutdown" of the damaged reactors by the end of the year. But it could take decades to completely decommission the plant.

在乌克兰紧急情况部部长巴洛加陪同联合国开发计划署署长克拉克考察了切尔诺贝利地区时,宣布的这个信息。Ukraine's minister of Emergencies, Victor Baloha, made the announcement as he visited the decommission power station with the head of the UN Development Programme, Helen Clark.

迁移将始终涉及到构建新的队列管理器、将应用程序和队列逻辑地移动到新的队列管理器,以及最终使旧的队列管理器退役。Migration will always involve building a new queue manager, a logical move of the application and queues to the new queue manager, and the eventual decommission of the old queue manager.