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这地带杳无人烟。The land is destitute of inhabitants.

洪水让许多人缺衣少食,无家可归。The floods left many people destitute.

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裁掉某个客户很少会使你变得贫困潦倒。Rarely will cutting a client leave you destitute.

超过三分之一的人口处于贫困。More than a third of the population was destitute.

那些极度贫乏的人最终往往接受了幻念,那种渴望内心平和的需要促成了他们的赞同。The most destitute men often end up by accepting illusion.

最终走来竟也是要面临众叛亲离的面貌。Walking also to face that eventually the face of destitute.

若是弟兄,或是姐妹,赤身露体,又缺了日用的饮食If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food

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史密斯先生死后他的妻儿变得一贫如洗。When Mr Smith died his wife and childern were left destitute.

旅馆是用来向僧侣和贫困者提供免费食物的。The guest-house is intended to supply free food to monks and the destitute.

在商与周两地穷困潦倒,生活拮据。During staying in the state of Shang and Zhou, he was destitute down and out.

强烈的地震使数百人履难,留下数千人穷困无依。The severe earthquake killed hundreds of people and left thousands destitute.

多年来为了给孩子治病,家里已经是家徒四壁。In order to treat their children for many years, the family is utterly destitute.

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耽搁很久之后,缙来的钱终于到了那家穷苦人的手上。After a long delay, the cabled money finally came through to the destitute family.

过去,我过着可怕的生活,对上帝完全缺乏认识和敬畏。I had liv'd a dreadful Life, perfectly destitute of the Knowledge and Fear of God.

穷困的农民将他们的孩子送到城里,去向人要钱或乞讨残羹剩饭。Destitute farmers sent their children into town to beg for money or scraps of food.

等他回来,游戏已经重新开始,拉维差不多输得一穷二白。By the time he returned, the game was under way again and Lovey was nearly destitute.

描述一个穷困的盗窃犯克鲁因一次行窃失手而被关进了监狱。Describe a destitute larcener Ke Lu because of thieve accidentally drop by coop jail.

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一个吸毒成瘾超过25年,贫困潦倒了五年的人,他遭受的足够了。A drug addict for more than 25 years, and destitute for five of them, he'd had enough.

毕竟,凯瑟琳无钱无势,是不能干预他的产权的。At any rate , Catherine, destitute of cash and friends, cannot disturb his possession.

清中叶社会动荡、民不聊生,天理教起义即在这一形势下由豫北滑县燃遍北方各省。At the middle of the Qing Dynasty, People were destitute and the society was in turbulence.