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您的尿色深吗?Has your urine been dark?

我需要一份24小时的样本。I need a 24hour urine specimen.

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检查尿液里的精子就好了。Checking a urine sample for semen.

尿液则丢弃到太空之中。Urine is discarded out into space.

那有没有可能就是尿液呢?Could it have been urine after all?

排尿减少或者赤尿。Reduced urine output or dark urine.

猫尿能在黑光灯下发光是真的吗?不可思议!Cat urine glows under a black-light!

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猫尿能在黑光灯下发光。Cat urine glows under a black-light.

屋里有一股扑鼻的尿臊味。The smell of urine hangs in the air.

用该法测定不受尿色的干扰。The colour of urine do not interfere.

这个病人需要做一次尿常规检查。The patient need a routine urine test.

尿量多,一天排尿6次以上。Urine more than 6 times a day voiding.

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进行一下尿检,很快就可以确认是否患了尿路感染。A urine test can quickly confirm a UTI.

您得查一下血和尿。You need to have blood and urine tests.

猫尿会在黑光灯下发亮。A cat’s urine glows under a black light.

他的小便混浊,而且气味不好。His urine is cloudy and it smells strong.

猫尿能在黑光灯下发光。任何。Cnear the urine glows under a black-light.

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我们需要验尿,杯子在这里。We will need a urine sample. Here is a cup.

尿液由于混合输尿管的出血而呈现出粉红色或红色。Your urine may turn pink or red from blood.

昨天他尿中又带血了。He passed blood in his urine again yesterday.