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小公鸡自然是极其自信的。The cockerel is, naturally, cocksure.

小公鸡自然是极其自傲的。The cockerel is, naturally, cocksure.

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不要那么确信他会成功。Don't be so cocksure that he will succeed.

不要过于自信,自以为是。Don't be so cocksure and take things for granted.

他确信她会先打电话给他。He was so cocksure that she would call him first.

他相信自己想当证卷经济人的梦想总有一天会实现。He is cocksure that he would be a bill broker some day.

愚人永远过分自信。智者永远充满怀疑。The fools are always cocksure. The intellects are always skeptical.

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过去,我总是自信满满,呼朋唤友,甚至随时准备教训别人。Before, I would have been cocksure , overflowing with friendliness, and ready to kick some ass.

这个世界的问题在于聪明人充满疑惑,而傻子们坚信不疑。The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.

可悲的是,自信外露的女人在自信时比公鸡本身表现更趾高气扬。The tragedy about cocksure women is that they are more cocky, in their assurance, than the cock himself.

一个真正的当代女性是一个自信干练的女人,她不会疑虑重重、恐惧紧张,她是现代型的。A really up-to-date woman is a cocksure woman. She doesn't have a doubt nor a qualm. She is the modern type.