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她脸色一阵苍白。A paleness overspread her face.

脸上的苍白使她花容减色。Her paleness took from her beauty.

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她那死人般的苍白脸孔是长期患病形成的。Her deadly paleness was due to long illness.

事故发生以后,他的脸死一般苍白。His face had a deadly paleness after the accident.

当我问他为什么的时候,他却只淡淡地说有点轻微的流感。When asked why, he would pass his paleness off as a slight flu.

在晨曦中,我们仅能看到群山的轮廓。We sat before the window watching the paleness of light of dawn.

不要等老的时候,回忆自己的人生时记忆中那样的苍白和空荡!Do not wait is old, recalls when own life in memory such paleness and emptiness!

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火焰把她的影子投射到背后的城墙上,红宝石在她苍白的喉咙上闪闪发光。The flames cast her shadow on the Wall behind her, and her ruby gleamed against the paleness of her throat.

她们刚刚动手,阿玛兰塔发现俏姑娘雷麦黛丝突然变得异常紧张和苍白。She had just begun when Amaranta noticed that Remedios the Beauty was covered all over by an intense paleness.

从而能够在生活的艰难和挫折、苍白和荒谬中,寻找到某种意义,寻找到一种正面的东西。So wangxiaobo can find a kind of frontal things and meanings in the hardship, frustration and paleness of the living.

我怎吗看见人人用手掐腰,像产难的妇人,脸面都变青了呢。wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness?

但由于施特劳斯在创作过程中对王尔德原作的删节,使作品的思想内容和精神内涵显得比较肤浅和苍白。But its ideally content and spirit connotation appears superficial and paleness owing to the cutting of Oscar Wildes work.

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她脸色苍白,神情慌张,死死地盯住他的脸,在他的怀里喘着气,求他说,“啊,亲爱的朋友!我的丈夫……”With the look fixed upon him, in her paleness and wildness, shepanted out in his arms, imploringly, "O my dear friend! My husband! ""

但她那越发苍白的脸色否定了她自己讲的话,也促使哈梅琳女士赶紧去叫人来帮忙急救,因为公主眼看就会昏倒过去。Her increasing paleness contradicted her words, and induced the Lady Hameline to call for assistance, as the Princess was about to faint.

有时候他们被关在完全黑暗的环境中,因为普遍盛传着一种无稽的秘方,让牧农们相信,这样有助于减低肉质的血色。Sometimes they are kept in virtual darkness because there is a rather irrational belief that this contributes to the paleness of the meat.

凡看见大司祭面容的人,没有不心中悲伤的,因为他的神气和他面色的改变,都明显他心灵上的痛苦。None could look at the face of the High Priest without being deeply touched, for his appearance and his paleness revealed the anguish of his soul.

这种苍白性与当时书生群体所处的时代背景密切相关,具体说来,可以从其经济、社会、文化三方面地位的低下来加以阐释。This paleness closely related with the times, especially from the economic, social and cultural status of the three areas were low down elaborate.

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不管是在我长大的斯堪的纳维亚,还是在我曾经呆过的美国,我都没发现人们把苍白当成美的特征。Neither in Scandinavia, where I grew up, nor in America, where I lived for a while, did I ever stumble upon the idea of paleness as a beautiful feature.

小学的历史课中确实提到过皇室把面色苍白作为富有的象征,因为皮肤白皙暗示出不必在田间劳作。History classes in elementary school did mention that the royalty found paleness as evidence of wealth because it indicated that you did not have to work in the fields.

您突然晕倒时的症状和体徵,如心跳、苍白和过多的出汗等等,跟您自主神经系统功能失调是相符的。The symptoms and signs which occur during an attack, such as palpitations, paleness and excessive sweating coincide with an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system function.