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那个高个女孩。The tall girl.

这才是我的女儿!That’s my girl.

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女生目瞪口呆。The girl gaped.

你是我的马子!You're my girl.

那女孩是谁?Who's that girl?

我想念那个女孩。I miss that girl.

女孩拒绝了。The girl refused.

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她是个坏女孩。She is a bad girl.

一女生走上台来。A girl on stage to.

姑娘要活的坦荡荡!Girl to live frank!

海羽是个迟钝的少女。Miu is a slow girl.

她是个可爱的女生。She is a cute girl.

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她是一个纯洁的女孩。She is a pure girl.

她是个好静的女孩儿。She's a quiet girl.

那女孩真辣!The girl is so hot!

谁还活着女孩儿?Whos is alive girl?

一个漂亮的女孩。A good-looking girl.

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问那里的那个女孩。Ask that girl there.

问那里的那个女孩。Ask that there girl.

女童军是忠心的。Girl Scout is loyal.